Sam and Eddie

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Today is a very special day on the Island of Sodor. New engines would arrive, which made everyone nervous. They were all over the island, impatiently waiting for them. Edward too, as he worked close by the docks where the ferry arrives. He heard from Sir Topham Hatt that the new engines were coming from a different country, a place called "Netherlands". 'If they come from the ferry, I'll be the first to greet them.' He told Salty excitedly. Porter snoofed in return. 'No, I will. I work closest to the water!' Then Cranky chimed in. 'No, I'll be the first, I can see everyone and everything from up here. And I'll probably have to unload them if they come by ship.' He swayed his hook proudly, showing off his skills by gracefully loading up a train. Edward chuckled, backing up on the now filled trucks. He whistled goodbye, and set off for Knapford to keep up with the news.

Henry too was puffing along. He worked at Vicarstown, where the bridge to the Mainland was. 'If the engines come from there, I'll be the first to meet them!' He announced excitedly, a slight blush flying over his face. The Flying Scotsman laughed. 'I admire your optimism, Henry! Except for the fact I'll see them first, as I thunder into King's Cross.' Henry's expression dropped. 'But they're coming from a different country.' He scoffed, as Scotsman's eyes widened. 'From a different country? What if they don't speak our language?' No one had thought of that yet. Rosie, who just arrived, gasped. 'You're right! And what if their railway works so much different they don't understand anything here?' Henry was about to answer, but the guard whistled for him to depart. 'Well, I'll ask sir Topham at once.' He set off to Knapford as well, to discuss with the others.

Thomas found Percy and Toby at Elsbridge, chatting about the new engines. 'I heard their railway is on the other side of the world!' Percy exclaimed. Toby disagreed. 'No no, the Netherlands is a part of Germany.' He laughed. Now Thomas chimed in too. 'No, the Netherlands are on the other side of the sea! And I should know, as I travelled the world...' Slowly their chatting turned into arguing, most to the displeasure of Annie, Clarabel and Henrietta. 'Why do you three always end up like this?' Annie sighed. But none of the engines listened, too busy disagreeing on the placing of the Netherlands. Their coaches were happy when Sir Topham Hatt arrived, and told them to go back to Knapford.

Back at Knapford, the quiet atmosphere was rudely interrupted by James. 'Quiet everybody!' He shouted, angrily staring at the other engines. Of course, none of the passengers listened, but the engines stopped chatting and stared at the Fat Controller. 'Thank you James,' Topham sighed. 'I'll take it from here.' He coughed once before continuing. 'As we all know, today many of you have been waiting impatiently for our new engine. She- eh THEY are arriving by cargo ship this evening at 8, and all of you are permitted to come when their wheels touch Sodor soil for the first time.' He barely finished his sentence before all the engines started yelling questions at him, wanting to know everything about this new engine. James, of course, screeched above everyone else: 'WHY ARE YOU SAYING THEY IF IT'S ONLY ONE ENGINE?' Everyone got silent, and stared at the red engine. Topham laughed. 'Well James, this engine is very special. They don't feel like a he, or a she.' He explained. 'But I don't want ANY of you treating them like they're different. Do you understand?' They nodded, or tried to, and quietly discussed the situation before Topham reminded them of their duties. The engines set off for their last chores, at every station eyeing the clocks for 8 o'clock.

Just as the last few engines steamed into Brendam Docks, a loud horn echoed over sea. A cargo ship slowly made it's way to shore, on board a slit of purple paint could be seen through the railing. Some engines blew their whistles, to which they got response from the ship accompanied by a silent peep from the deck. Finally the docking ropes were tightened, and the unloading could begin. 'Hurry up! We haven't got all day!' A voice rang out from the deck. Cranky snoofed, ignoring the annoyed remark. He carefully lifted the engine up into the air. Edward gasped. On the end of Cranky's hook, an engine the same class as him hung. Their paint was purple with black and yellow lining, with a smile brighter than the sun lining their face with happiness. They looked beautiful, though a large scar dragged from just under their eye all the way to her chin. 'Hello!' They laughed, excitedly staring down at everyone. 'I've been on board that ship for ages, glad to be back on solid ground!' They added once they hit the ground. Edward smiled, steaming slightly closer to them. 'Welcome.' He smiled, now in the engine's line of sight. They gasped. 'You're like me!' They exclaimed, eyes widening. Edward chuckled. 'Yes, I am. Welcome to Sodor, I'm Edward. Who are you?' The new engine looked away, as if ashamed. 'I'm... Sam. Yes, call me Sam.' They mumbled, a slight tremor in their sweet voice. 'Welcome Sam!' Some other engines shouted, which seemed to make them feel better. Henry came forward. 'Hi, my name is Henry. Nice to meet you.' He smiled. James and Gordon introduced themselves too, then Emily and finally Thomas and Percy. Salty and Porter peeped their hellos from behind them, shunting some cars into the Flying Kipper. 

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