The New Arrival

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Sam and Henry raced down the line, both hauling heavy goods trains. 'Come on Henry!' His trucks cheered. 'Go Sam! Go Sam!' Sam's trucks screeched. They got to the hill, where their freight suddenly held their brakes. 'Hold back! Hold back!' Both the engines pulled harder, until finally Sam got to the top first. 'I did it!' They laughed. 'Well done Sam, but next time I'll win!' Henry said, as he chuffed past them on the way down. Their trucks laughed, and started cheering on Henry instead. Sam followed, but had to stop at Maron. 'Goodbye Henry!' They called, to which they got a far away peep in return. They stood still, as a workman uncoupled them from their train. 'Go on Sam,' He said. 'Sir Topham wants to tell you something at Knapford station.'

Once they arrived, they found Topham enjoying a cup of tea in the sunlight. 'Ah, Sam. Just the engine I was waiting for.' Sam grinned. 'Hello sir, a workman said you had something to tell me.' He smiled too. 'Yes, indeed I have. As you know, today another engine is arriving from the mainland. In fact, he's arriving from the same country as you!' Sam gasped. 'Another NS engine, sir? What's his name?' Topham squinted, thinking hard. 'I don't know, but I heard he wears the number 769.' Sam's eyes widened. 'It can't be... He was scrapped years ago.' Their boiler ached, and they bit their lip softly. 'Well, then tell me why that is exactly what's written on this paper here. See?' Sir Topham held up a paper to them, and they jumped back in confusion. Green paint, bearing the number 769... 'It can't be...' Sam mumbled. 'I'm sorry sir, I... Have business to attend at ehm, Brendam docks!' They raced backwards out of the station, before the Fat Controller could ask any more questions.

Sam found Edward at the scrapyard, where he was talking to Redge. 'Edward!' They yelled to get the blue engine's attention. 'Oh, hi Sam. How are you today?' Edward asked kindly. 'Edward! Another engine from the NS is coming here!' Sam almost burst with excitement. 'He is? Oh Sam, you'll be so happy to see him then!' Edward laughed, and playfully bumped their buffers. 'Come, sir Topham told me he'd arrive at the docks tonight!'

They raced to the docks, and found Salty and Porter playing with trucks. Salty was singing Christmas songs, even though it was only November. '...And a happy new year!' Sam chimed in. 'Arr, it be Sam! Hello, come to take these trucks away?' Salty laughed. Porter puffed closer. 'Or are you here for the new engine?' Sam nodded, or tried to as they are a train and trains don't nod, and smiled. 'Yes, that's right. He's one of my old friends!' Cranky sighed. 'Old friends? So I'll be unloading another one of you impatient f-' Luckily he was cut off by a convenient ship horn. 'Cranky! Such language is unacceptable!' Edward shouted. 'Sorry, Edward.' He growled. 'I have a horrible headache from having to hear Salty sing his songs for weeks now.' He stared angrily at the little diesel, who shot backwards into the shed. 'Well I think we won't be waiting much longer.' Porter remarked. 'I see a ship at the horizon!'

Edward went to tell the others, but Sam stayed right where they were. They stared out over sea, at the approaching ship. 'Please, hurry up...' They mumbled, as they anxiously let off steam. 'I have to know if it's really you...' Their thoughts were interrupted however, as Henry steamed onto the dockside. 'Hello Sam.' He greeted. 'Do you know if it's him yet?' But Sam didn't, and kept staring out at sea. 'That's a Dutch ship.' They muttered. 'I recognise the flag at the top.' Henry followed their gaze to a red-white-blue striped flag, waving about in the strong sea breeze. 'It's a nice looking flag..?' He said, unsure if it was what Sam had hoped to hear. Lucky for them it was at that moment the other engines arrived. Gordon snoofed. 'Your "friend" better hurry up, I can't wait around all day. I've got to take the expre-' 'HEEERE'S JAMES!' James burst onto the dockside with a horrible screech of his brakes. 'Hi everyone!' Emily called as she strode after him in a way only she could. Finally Edward returned with sir Topham and Thomas. Percy unfortunately couldn't make it, as he had had a little accident the night before when pulling the mail train. 'Now, since everyone is here, we only have to wait for...' Just as he finished his sentence a loud horn broke the calm atmosphere of the docks. The ship had finally made it's way to shore, and Cranky swayed in to pull the new engine up. But as soon as he saw the engine, his expression dropped. 'Ehm, sir?' He said, carefully pulling up what was now attached to his hook. 'I don't think you'll like this very much.' Everyone stared up at sir Topham Hatt's new engine. But he wasn't like the pictures Sam had seen on the piece of paper at all! No green paint, no beautiful red lining, and also no number 769. Sir Topham was flabbergasted. 'This is the engine I ordered? I can't believe it! I'm never ordering Atlantics again, all they do is scam me...'

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