Chapter 2

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I was watering the plant in my garden when the butler walked in."Sir, your friends have arrived." He announced

My heart skipped a beat. I haven't seen Ama since the night of the charity gala, and I've been avoiding her ever since. But now, she was here, in my condo. I took a deep breath and tried to steady my nerves. I had to act like nothing had happened between us. "Please I will be with them shortly," i said, my voice tight, as the butler walked out .


"I won the bet, Cross, Ama came!" Harry exclaimed, a smug grin on his face. "You owe me a hundred bucks!" Cross rolled his eyes and groaned. "Fine, you win," he said, handing Harry the money. "But you're never going to hear the end of this." Harry laughed and pocketed the money, feeling pleased with himself. "It's all in good fun, my friend," he said.

Ama's eyes widened in surprise. "You made a bet about me?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Harry nodded, and took a deep breath. "I bet that you would come, and for the last four years cross was right but this time i was right. I'm sorry, Ama. We shouldn't have done that." Ama was quiet for a moment, taking in what Harry had said. Then, she spoke. "It's okay, I'm not mad.

Ama couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. The fact that Harry had bet on her coming or not was just too ridiculous to take seriously. "I have to admit, it is kind of funny," she said, a smile spreading across her face. "I mean, who bets on whether someone will show up or not?" Aikita laughed along with her. "Exactly! It's just so silly." The two friends shared a moment of laughter, the tension of the situation melting away.

Dubem entered the room, the air seemed to go still. They looked at him, their expressions unreadable. For a moment, no one spoke. The tension in the room was palpable. Finally, Dubem broke the silence. "How was your trip?" he asked, his voice carefully neutral. They all exchanged a look surprised that he looked okay after the divorce, and then Ama spoke. "It was fine, thanks for asking." Her tone was polite, but distant.

Dubem could sense the shift in the room, but he wasn't sure what to make of it. He felt like he was missing some crucial piece of information, but he didn't know what it was. He just knew that something had changed, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Dude, your birthday party was insane!" Cross said to Dubem breaking the silence, a wide grin on his face. "I've never seen anything like it!" Harry chimed in, his eyes still shining with excitement. "It was like a movie, man. I can't believe that actually happened!" Dubem chuckled, a little embarrassed by all the attention. He wasn't used to being the center of attention, and it felt a bit overwhelming. But he couldn't deny that the party had been one for the books.

"That's enough, you guys," Dubem said, holding up a hand to stop the conversation. " You are all probably tired from your trip. Let's get some rest, okay?" Cross and Harry nodded, although they both looked a little disappointed. " You all head to your rooms. I'll show Ama to her room,since it's her first time here" Dubem said, gesturing for her to follow him. Ama hesitated for a moment, then followed him down the hall.

Dubem led Ama to her room, his steps stiff and measured. The air between them was thick with tension, and neither of them knew what to say. Dubem opened the door to the guest room and motioned for Ama to enter.

"Thank you," Ama said, her voice barely a whisper. She stepped into the room, feeling like a prisoner in her own skin. She could feel Dubem's gaze on her back, and she shivered.

"If you need anything, just let me know," Dubem said, his voice cool and detached.

Ama took a deep breath, trying to find the courage to say what she needed to say. "Dubem, there's something I need to talk to you about," she began, her voice quavering.

But Dubem cut her off, his tone firm. "There's no need to talk about anything," he said, his eyes hard and unyielding. "You're here for the vacation and your dad's contract, and that's all that matters." He turned to leave, but Ama reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Please, Dubem," she said, her eyes pleading.

As Ama grabbed his arm, Dubem felt a rush of emotion. He wanted to push her away, to get her out of his life for good. But he also felt an overwhelming urge to pull her close, to hold her and never let go. He was a war within himself, fighting to maintain his self-control. "Please, just let go," he said, his voice breaking. "Before I do something I'll regret."

Ama looked at him, her eyes filled with confusion and hurt. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper


I turned away from her, I was unable to look her in the eye. I couldn't bear to see the hurt in her face, or the betrayal in her eyes. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I felt the familiar knot of anxiety in my stomach. I knew I had to pull myself together, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep up the facade.

I walked into his room, feeling overwhelmed by my emotions. I poured myself a glass of whiskey, hoping the strong drink would numb the pain I felt inside. As I sipped the amber liquid, my mind replayed the events of that fateful night. I remembered Ama's words, "It meant nothing. It was just a mistake." I couldn't shake the feeling that she had said that.

He took another long drink, trying to drown his doubts. But they only seemed to grow louder.

Busola entered the room as I rushed over to kiss her. hoping the physical connection would help me forget about Ama. But as I held her close, I realized it wasn't working. I couldn't get Ama out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I tried to focus on Busola, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the night I and Ama had shared. Was it because it was just sex and no string attached between i and busola Dubem thought

He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, and he knew he didn't know why.


I was left alone with my thoughts, wondering what I had done to make Dubem react this way. Had I pushed him too far? Had I said something wrong? But they agreed to forget about that night. I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and a sense of dread crept over me.

I took a moment to take in my surroundings. The room was beautiful - it had high ceilings, ornate furnishings, and a large window that let in plenty of natural light. I felt a sense of awe and wonder as I looked around. This was the most luxurious room I had ever been in."

"I started to unpack my clothes, folding each item carefully and placing it in the closet.


My heart was racing as I sat in the back of the car with Damian. I had come so far, but I still had so far to go. I had fought hard to win over Damian's parents, and now I was carrying the family heir. But as I gazed out the window, I couldn't help but feel anxious about what the future would hold. Would I be able to prove myself as a good mother and wife? I didn't know what the future held, but I knew one thing for certain - I would never give up.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Damian's voice cut through my thoughts, and I turned to look at him. I forced a smile and tried to sound casual as I said, "I'm fine, don't worry about me." Inside, I was a jumble of emotions. I had come so far, but I knew there was still a long road ahead of me. I would have to fight hard to prove myself to be Damian's wife and to the rest of the family. But for now, I would savor this moment of victory.

I couldn't wait to show the group, mostly Aikita and ama. what I had accomplished. I knew that I would be a mother and a wife to a wealthy man, and I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction at the thought of it. I knew the rest of the group would never look down on me anymore. And I felt a sense of excitement about finally having everything I had ever wanted. 

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