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"They mock and judge you."

Anger burned him as he sat hunched over in his small cave. He was tall and scrawny, not possessing the physical features of the other men and given the title of Ahula. He was the weak link in the eyes of the clan and, as a result, was treated as such. Worse, the clan leader's youngest daughter was his best friend. She refused to leave him in his solitude, no matter how much he begged. A rare beauty. Many of the clansmen had their sights set on her. She had yet to show any interest in anyone but him. Not that she was interested in him romantically. Tylac thought she was as beautiful as a fairy. She possessed eyes as clear as the river and hair as golden as the sun's rays. It was clear she'd been blessed with unparalleled beauty by the fairy queen. It was jealousy eating his clansmen's hearts, and they banished him to this small cave in hopes of separating him and Lilianna.

He sighed at it all. She was such a stubborn girl. He was no one special, with eyes the color of night and hair like mud. He was an ordinary man. His interests lie in learning more about the world and adventures awaiting outside the clan. He wanted to explore, to live a little, but could he really do it? Could he leave his home? He knew enough about the land to avoid any potential predators, but knowing and doing were completely different. Anything was better than staying here, where he would surely wither away as an outcast. His biggest regret was not telling Lilianna his feelings, but it didn't matter, anyway. He grabbed his cloak, ready to leave before dawn break.

He moved towards the opening, only to discover a body there. What?

"Hey there, are you alright?" he asked, slowly approaching the person. If they weren't injured too bad, he'd leave them there. He needed to get going before the others woke. When they didn't respond to his calls, he squatted down and pulled the cloak back.

"Lillianna!" he gasped in surprised. Falling on his butt, he stared in shock. Why would she be here? No! This was all wrong! "You shouldn't be here!" he croaked out in dismayed. Fear bloomed his belly, and his eyes darted around the cavern as if his enemies would launch from its walls. If they found out, he would be a dead man.

"Ty?" she said sleepily. She rolled over, scooting closer to stare into his eyes. Her eyes ran crawled across his face as if memorizing it.

"You must return to the clan." He squeaked frantically, trying to get her on her way.

She stared at him; a bit perturbed. "What kind of welcome is that?" she crossed her arms over her bosom. "How could you treat me that way?!" She pouted.

"You, stubborn girl! Your father will kill me!"

"No! I won't let him. I came to get you. We're going back together."

Tylac could only stare at her in horror. The implications of them arriving together would indicate they'd mated in secret. He couldn't.

"Listen, Lilianna. You should just forget about me. Marry one of the warriors and be happy." He said seriously, while avoiding her eyes. The words tasted foul on his tongue as they left his month. He never hated himself as much as he did in this moment, but she deserved better. Deserved better than him.

"But I don't want anybody but you!" she cried out.

Huh?! What did she just say?

"You're leaving!" she accused, taking notice of the small sack at his side and the makeshift spear.

"Wah um." Her confession still dumbfounded him. He ran his hands through his hair. Blushing at his future, he contemplated taking her with him.

"Aye. I am leaving. I'm tired of these mountains. I want to see how those who live out in the sun live."

"Take me with you!" she begged selfishly. She couldn't bear to be apart from him. "You don't have to return my feelings Tylac, but I refuse to stay here any longer!"

He buried his face in his hands. Had she always been so brazen? He flushed. "Listen, I care for you too. I just always thought you deserve better than me." He mumbled as his body heated. He was starting to feel like the female.

"Wha---?" he started out. She'd thrown herself at him and locked lips. Tylac felt the color bloom in his world as his heart drowned out all sounds and his body scorched by her touch.

"We must go!" he said, pulling apart from her.

Taking her hand, they fled.

Tylac wanted to scream in rage. They didn't get very far. Once they made it down the base of the mountain, he stood in horror as the clan's warriors surrounded him. His eyes darted around the half circle they'd formed around them. He shoved Lilianna behind him.

"The Ahula dares to mate with the chief's daughter?!" Rodrak thundered.

Lillianna stepped out from behind Tylac. "This does not concern you! Where is my father?" She replied haughtily. She never liked Rodrak; although he was the best warrior in the clan, he was arrogant and self-serving. She could never marry or love someone like him. Pale skin with dead eyes, he was a nightmare that wouldn't go away. Although her father, a great man, thought their pairing was a good one, she fought against it. She wanted to be happy while her father wanted to ensure she was taken care of. She remembered telling him to marry Rodrak in a fit of rage. It was very unlike her.

"This is talk between men. It is not your place to answer."

"Is that so?" she said sweetly while hate filled her eyes. "I guess it is my place to refuse you as a mate. I will never be yours!" She roared as the other warriors shifted uncomfortably.

Well, now that she made such a statement, the ones who were un-mated males were now interested in her.

"You will be mine as long as he's gone!" Rodrak shouted, charging the pair.

Tylac stared on in dismayed. How would he protect her? He was no match for him.

I can make you stronger. I can protect her. All you need to do is say it so.

Who are you?

A tool to be used only by those who are worthy.

Tylac wasn't certain he should be talking or trusting something unknown. The voice revealed itself during his darkest moments, when all his rage and self-hatred consumed him. He had misgivings, but whatever they were, it was a little too late. He had to protect Lillianna, no matter the cost.


"Finally!" it shouted, glee cloaking its voice. "My first human soul!" the voice cackled.

Tylac froze in terror. He'd been tricked! Agony tore at him as his soul was ripped from his flesh. He could only stare in horror as the darkness birthed by him consumed everyone below before swallowing the land.

"Lillianna!" he screamed, watching the light left her eyes. Thick chains encircled his neck, wrists, ankles, their weight forcing him to bow and imprisoning form.

"What have I done?" he choked out aguishly.

Menacious and The Sacred Seed Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now