Chapter 2: Menacious

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Her body crashed into trees, cushioning her fall. She squealed as their branches snapped beneath her weight before she landed on the ground with a loud thud.


"I'm alive." She gasped as her chest moved up down continuously. She took a moment to collect herself as an unfamiliar smell filled her nose. Her fingers clutched at the earth and she frown as the grass beneath her palms felt as soft as a cloud. Once the sound of drumming from her heart faded from her ears, she opened her eyes.

"Oh! My! God!" Jasmine squealed, closing them once more. "Okay. Okay." She said, swallowing thickly as her brain turned into mush. "This is a dream. Nothing but a dream." She slowly peeked into one eye and stared at the shockingly pale-yellow sky. Fear slammed into her, and she was too terrified to even move.

"Why is the sky yellow?! This is insane. I'm done. I've jumped off the deep end and even before I could get my first kiss!" She chatted to herself, trying futilely to keep the hysteria from bubbling over. Maybe if she closed her eyes once more, she will wake up in her bed at her grandmother's house.

"I knew it! Granny's house is cursed. I'm cursed." She wailed.

The wind blew, rustling the leaves, which gave her pause. She couldn't simply lay here forever.

"Human." The wind whispered, and Jasmine leaped to her feet as her eyes darted around, looking for someone. Anyone. All she could see were the trees stretching endlessly into the sky. Did they have no end? She thought it was strange how flowers bloomed up its sides, almost appearing giant like. Something urged her to move forward, and so she did. The wind whirled around her, and the grass felt as if they laid a path for her to take. She was starting to think that she would be lost forever until she noticed the base of the trees becoming larger and she finally happened upon a house built into the tree.

The door was pale green, and she noticed four windows displayed on the front. Thick purple vines stretched around the house, etching themselves into the body of the tree. It looked like something straight out of a book for a typical fairy magical garden. Meh. She didn't know nomads still existed in today's society. Perhaps they could help her. Awkwardness made her jittery. Who went up to a random people's houses these days? She stopped in front of the door and her stomach rumbled. Why couldn't she be on the beach? Why did she ever agree to hang out with her grandmother? She did get an awesome tea set, but it was quickly losing its appeal.

"I wonder what this vine does?" She mumbled. Oh, what the hell. She grabbed it and shrieked as it latched on to her.

"Let me go! I thought it was a doorbell!" She wailed as small vines grew from the thicker one and began to attack. Her flesh crawled at the suction cups located on the underside of the vines. Was this even a plant? Her hands latched onto the door handle.

"Help me!" she screamed as they pulled her. "No! I'm not letting go!" Jasmine squealed. It felt as if her body was going to be ripped in half. Using her left hand, she gripped the door fiercely as the vines tried to tear her from it. The blood flow in her legs was slowing and breathing was extremely difficult to achieve. Her eyes bulged. They were succeeding in their plan to get rid of her, and her lungs burned desperately for air. She couldn't breathe. Spots danced in front of her eyes. Was this it? Where her life comes to a screeching halt? She wasn't some germ to be blasted apart. She was a living and breathing human. Something flared to life in her belly, and she roared.

"Stop!" The command rip itself out of her throat. Suddenly, the vines that were trying to rip her apart set her down and slithered around the house once more. Jasmine frowned as her skin began to bruise.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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