00| Prologue

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For years, the Italian Mafia have been at war with the Russian Mafia. No one but the heads of each Mafias knew how it originally had started.

Konstantin killed Brigitta, the wife of Edoardo who at the time, was pregnant with their first born child, and in retaliation, Edoardo blew up all of his major warehouses, intercepted his shipments and killed Konstantin's father, Anton.

It escalated from there, each attack from the opposite Mafia resulted in retaliation from the other. Eventually Akim, Konstantin's grandson killed Edward, the American Mafia head, therefore claiming it as theirs.

However Dario, Edoardo's great-grandson killed Akim, henceforth, taking over the American Mafia.

This resulted in more war from both sides, until eventually, with the combination of the Italian and American Mafias, the Russians were forced to retreat.

A false state of peace washed over the families but something sinister was brewing in the mist as word got around the underworld that the American Mafia, and by default, the Italian Mafia, were expecting twins.

Let us proceed and see what happens now shall we?

Hello Mes chéris, we are now diving into the actual story, for my og readers, there have been a change in the prologue, how do you like it?

As always don't forget to stay hydrated and make sure to eat something, no matter how small.

Have a lovely day/evening/afternoon/night Mes amours!


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