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May 26, 2015, 2:09 p.m

it was cold, and the sun wasn't shining today, but that wasn't a shocker. It matched lukes emotions as a match. luke was just ready to get the hell out of this shit hole. this year seemed like it was the best, and then he ruined it.

luke thinking of what happened, he stomped on the small rain puddle on the sidewalk and shook his head, and continued to walk.

dick, he thought.

he walked into the school building, as the bed rung, and many other students squeaked their wet shoes off to their classes as luke took his time to class.

"luke! wait up, mate," his friend Alex said as he sighed stopping and waiting up for him as they walked together.

"surprised you're actually going to theater, and you're also four periods late," he chuckled and shook his head.

"oh i'm not going," he said shaking his head. he's there. he's in there, and there's no way that luke is going anywhere near him. he's completely done with this bullshit. two days left, Luke's only thoughts were that he's getting the fuck out of this hellhole, and leaving.

"luke," Alex stretched out, "shit happens, just cmon and come to class," he said and luke stopped dead in his track, nearly glaring at his friend before him.

"you don't know the shit i've been through. you've never loved someone like i've been, and been treated like shit, so i don't want to hear a damn thing from you," he spat viciously, keeping a serious look, before shoving his best mate away from his face.

"luke, wait-"

"don't fucking touch me," he said, pulling away from his friends grip, and walking to his theater class, just to turn in his make up work, so he wouldn't have to come the last couple days.

he walked in the door, since it was only cracked and all eyes landed on him, and it got quiet, which furiated him, making him clench his fist in a result.

"mr. hemmings-"

"s'luke," he corrected and the teacher cleared his throat.

"luke, take a seat," he said as luke shook his head.

"i'm not staying. i'm only here to turn in my make up work for the last couple of days I missed, and then i'm leaving," he said, trying to stay quiet, so the person who's gaze was burning into Luke was killing him.

"oh, alright. hope you have a good holidays, and do good in college, and life, luke," he said and luke nodding, giving him a small 'thanks' as he handed all of his work in.

"hold on, and let me get these put in before you go," he said and luke sighed, running a hand through his blonde messy hair.

his eyes were already bloodshot, and he was looking rough, but he guessed that's how he would be looking for a long while. until he can get over him.

if he could get over him.

"luke," a soft, but too familiar voice spoke, causing luke to squeeze his eyes shut and flinched at the touch, but quickly pull away.

"don't you dare touch me," he said shaking his head to turn and see the boy who stole his heart, right in front of him.

"luke, please-"

"no, calum. i said don't," he said already feeling close to tears and forcing himself to swallow the lump growing his throat.

"luke, i'm sorry, okay, i messed up, I get that-"

"oh, you're sorry?" he gritted, and grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him against the wall, making the teacher stand, and everyone silently stare.

"you don't know what you fucking did to me calum. you used me, and made me feel stupid, and look stupid. you know what I see when I look at you?" luke spoke through gritted teeth, holding him, "a fucking coward, and a fucking asshole. so people may look at me, and think i'm a fag and weak, but I rather be looked at as weak, than to be looked at with you by my side any day," he spoke, his eyes bloodshot, and they were burning now.

he shoved calum back, and shook his head stepping away from the boy who had tears in his eyes.

"don't speak to me. ever," luke said lastly before walking out.

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