39. Absolute Disinterest

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As soon as the message Bearer came looking ghastly, a rather smooth hand slipped by and opened the damask curtain of the camp opening. Before the sunlight streaming in dusty fluff stood Fu Lin with an additional coat over his shoulders, his usual self-lost look replaced by an expression of displease.

The Lieutenants with this temperament of Fu Lin further asserted their conjecture. They sighed internally.

So the General did cheat.

They all feeling somewhat flustered at the thought of getting associated in advocacy of an

an extra-marital affair began walking out of the camp, one by one slapping the General's shoulders in sympathy. Of course, they felt bad for their comrade despite any flaws he might have incurred.

As they brushed past Fu Lin, they all saluted solemnly, a profound respect and benevolence seen never before in their eyes. Bing Ze, in particular, couldn't help but draw an inch closer to Fu Lin to proclaim, "Please go easy on him. It's his first time."

Fu Lin's eyes that were crumpled in annoyance, turned into a shape akin to dish bowls. He paused for a brief moment, bewildered by the sudden plea, and began slowly trudging into the dimly lit camp.

When he stepped in, the General had gone back to working at his table, his hands neatly tracing the unruly edges of the canvas paper filled with Kanglun letters. The General spared him no glance as he kept indulging himself in official duties as a hollow and uncomfortable silence expanded within the space between them.

"Did you change your clothes?" Fu Lin asked, confused. General remained impassive.

"I'm sure you wore different clothing just now."

The General still continued to drag a quilt over the crass sheet of paper, mute as a stone. "It is no matter, the Military uniform appears dauntingly appealing on you too."

The General immediately threw the bottle of ink on his person, the ink splattering down the table and staining some of Fu Lin's outer coat made of sheepskin. Fu Lin stared at the blotch of ink on

his dress, astonished. But what astonished him more was what the General was doing. Currently, he was extremely busy staring at the wall behind.

"Your Grace." Fu Lin's voice sounded incredulous. "Why are you hiding away from me?"

After a slight coughing fit, the slight redness that seemed to adorn his white ears receded. Once his heart settled, he turned to look back at Fu Lin and greeted him amiably, as he usually did.

"I am not hiding from you," he rasped.

"I'm not talking about you hiding your face from me just now." Fu Lin grunted. "I'm talking about how you disappeared from the Zhou Manor just like that 5 days ago..."

As he spoke, he noticed the very obvious dark burst of ink on his alabaster white sheep-skin coat and began taking it off. As the coat slid off of Fu Lin's shoulders, his body wrapped in a blatantly open and revealing piece of robe came into view. His naked skin bound by the loosely draped piece of cloth slid off, revealing more than a slim leg with moist sweetness trickling from them.

The General's brow twitched.

Was this punishment from the God's above for every minute crime he committed in his life? Because this is absolutely torturous.

He gulped as he stared offhandedly and yet drinking in every little detail. "Was that so..." he answered as he clenched his fists at the scene before him, absent minded.

"Don't give that to me!" Fu Lin abruptly jumped before him and hollered his face before the General's face and frowned at him. "It seems I'm not the only one who's good at running away when matters forfeit. Tell me how many times you've come running back to this camp of yours whenever something disrupts within the manor?"

The words flaked with hot pressure and Fu Lin's sweet accent rammed against the General's face, fusing into one with the air he breathed. He answered, "Why don't you remind me?"

Fu Lin was dumbstruck. He pressed his lips together and observed the General with careful consideration before asking, "Did... I perhaps offend you in some involuntary form?"

This question, heaved with sincerity and bashfulness, brought the General back to his senses. He gazed into the eyes of the man before him, his wide, shock-like pupils projecting nothing but the afterimage of the General within them. They were full of concern and worry for him, every tremor of his lip and every attempt at unblinking, awaiting his reply and his reply only.


Irresistibly alluring and tantalising. "General?"

His cherry popped lips, reddened by the self-press down and hair curling in unexpected places, grazing his own neck sensually made the General feel imprisoned. The next moment he was drawing nearer, closing the distance between his and Fu Lin's lips.

However, Fu Lin, immediately disturbed by a fly that came near him, moved his head away. The General, with no place to vent his exposed face, slumped over Fu Lin's shoulder.

"My apologies," Fu Lin spoke softly. "I knew you were about to speak something important, but this fly really bothered me. It was this close to sitting on top of my nose."

"No." General Haoran's muffled voice came from Fu Lin's shoulder. "You saved me." Indeed, he did. He was about to ruin everything just now by exposing himself.

Fu Lin pressed the General's head onto his shoulder, stroking his frigid hair. "So, was it something I did? Did I offend you somehow?"

"You didn't."

"Does that mean we're companions just as before?" General Haoran smiled softly, "Indeed we're 'companions'."

"Alright then." Fu Lin let go of him slowly as he said, "Since you conveyed that it isn't of my accountability, I shall take my leave then. I believe if what bothers you is something that would necessitate my involvement, you'd be the first to tell me, therefore kindly take your time to recuperate. And let me know the next time you decide to disappear."


As he gazed at Fu Lin's departing back, the world began to imminently lose colour. Although he was aware of their difference in feelings when Fu Lin turned his face, the space that he couldn't bridge, to touch and carve out a piece of himself within Fu Lin was deemed impossible. Fu Lin turning his face away involuntarily was an indication– a clear indication of him not seeing General the way General saw him. Haoran would have felt better if Fu Lin had noticed what he was about to do and rebuked him for it. Or if he refused to touch the General anymore from self-consciousness.

However, what he got was a complete lack of reaction. Absolute and utter disinterest. General Haoran finally knew the taste of heartbreak.


Meanwhile out side the tent: 

Also the author: *Splashing a bucket of paint on the General* 

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Also the author: *Splashing a bucket of paint on the General* 

Haoran: ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ Bitch why??

Author: Because you just said your world is colourless ( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴

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