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[so this is a break from the story I was writing this one is based on the song  The masochism Tango by: Tom Lehrer  one of my favorite artists and there will be some cannibalism so anyways enjoy darling~]

Wilbur was at a ball big Q was hosting the theme was red he wore a red suit with a black under shirt and Wilbur had a glass of red wine and then quickly downed the glass looked around looking for big Q through the crowd of people not finding him he sat the glass down and walked upstairs to go look of big Q he passed through double doors where big Q's office was seemed not to be there so we went to Big Q's bedroom making his way down the hallway he heard some sort of crying he thought maybe that big Q was crying he had walked into his room slowly opening the door there was big Q but it wasn't big Q big he was sat on his knees eating something something?... no no no this was someone the man seemed to be dead a long time ago his skin a pasty white color the man had horns goat horns or maybe ram who knows "B-big Q?" Wilbur said quietly big Q basically spun around eyes laying dead into Wilbur's big Q moved swiftly towards Wilbur grabbing him pulling him into the room and then shutting and locking the door is Wilbur got basically dragged into the room he almost fell what did he had tripped on the dead body of course he examined the corpse it's heart seem to be missing it's blood spilled on the floor it was awful the smell was even more horrid the smell of rotting flesh something Wilbur was and wasn't adapted to the cute turned around firmly grabbing Wilbur he was covered in blood tears with tear stained cheeks "big Q what did you do..." Wil they almost whispered to him his voice trembling but again big Q didn't't answer he simply stared at Wilbur it was intense it was like he was implying something without saying it "wil... I'm so..so hungry"  Wilbur had feared of what that meant hearing quackity almost speak in an inhumane growl was awful what was quackity it made no sense how could he eat somebody somebody that once was breathing big Q dug his nails into over shoulder but quickly dripping down Wilbur be quietly whimpered pick you quickly got in front of Wilbur and started sucking hickeys and bite marks into his neck to bite marks are quite bloody Wilbur continued to whimper it felt so good but hurt so bad he didn't really know how to react to it think you slipped his hand underneath Wilbur's shirt tucks and under his black shirt he slit his hand up instead of rubbing his chest and waist but we're also whimpered at that it felt good dude feel big Q's hands but they were cold and wet think you probably had blood on his hands not in just one way and was touching Wilbur in two ways found it hot and disgusting as big Q continued to touch him the rougher big Q got the more pleasure was brought to Wilbur.

[Hello again darlings~ sadly I have to make a part two to this because this one is a little long anyways hope your enjoying so far see you in part to my sweets~]

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