Chapter 11

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The door was now open, Eris was on one side and Laval on another. Both of them just stood there. Meeting each others eyes.

None of them moved a muscle or said anything. Eris held her breath and Laval turned a slight red. An awkward silence passed in between them, lasting for a small while.

(Eris POV)
I looked away nervously. "Um... I-I'm sorry, L-Laval..." I apologized.

Laval notice Eris looked different... was she wearing make-up?

(Laval POV)
"Uh... no-no need to apologize, EEris". I replied, slipping again. I was never one to really care for make-up.

But, it made her stand out a bit more and not cover her... cute features.

Eris felt faint. The only thing she could feel was the beating of her heart, she grabbed he left arm and held it.

I looked around nervously I scratched the back of Mr head. I cleared my throat. "Um... so... can I, uh, come in?" I asked politely.

Eris looked up at him. Making sure she heard him right. She bit her lip for a second or two. She blushed and rubbed her arm.

(Eris POV)
"O-okay" I said before thinking, my eyes almost widened at my own words.

Laval gingerly stepped into the room. Trying to keep himself as calm and collected as he could be.

He had absolutely no idea why he had even asked, but he was there now. Nothing he could do about it.

I bit a bit of on my nail. I turned to face Laval. I had never felt so nervous then I was now. Laval was right there in the room and I couldent bear it.

Not knowing what else to do, Laval sat down on a couch. He held his hand on his lap, watching Eris. Neither of them said anything.

"Uh... Eris. You can sit here" he gestured to the opposite side of the couch. I blinked a few times. I looked on the floor, biting my beak, thinking about what I would do next.

"It's okay" he spoke softly. I hasitated and sat down. I held my hands together on my lap, looking as if I would cry any minute.

Laval eventually looked towards my side, feeling like he had to say something... "you... uh... you look nice, Eris". He said, trying to smile.

I turned my head to him. I cleared my throat. "Th-Thank you..." was all I could reply. I looked away, blushing a bright pink.

"Are you able to fly again?" Laval questioned "no... not yet". I replied sadly. "You miss flying... don't you?" Laval leaned towards me.

I nodded and sniffed. "I try not to think about it to much...".

Laval turned back to the eagle. Only were inches away from Eris spot on the couch.

"I'm sure you'll be able to fly again" Laval offered. He placed a hand on mine. I meet his eyes. I blinked and turned a slight pink at his touch.

I felt goosebumps go all throughout my body. His hand felt so warm and safe. I breathed softly. "Th-Thanks..." I almost fainted right there. Laval smiled in return.

I thoughtthis was a perfect time. I cleared my throat before continuing. "L-Laval...?" I asked. I blushed red. "Yes, Eris?" Laval learned in close.

Laval and Eris:Eris's wingsWhere stories live. Discover now