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"Nah uh no thanks" I say getting the camera of nelson and signal the boys to follow me. We start walking and reach the pool so we sit down near the drink area and I setup the camera and as I was doing so I saw a boy who looked like jaden but different in a way and he was with a girl and a young boy "Lillie tf pay attention" I hear nelson snap his fingers In Front of me "Ok Ok" I say pointing the camera Infront of us

"HEY LOVELYS" I say while the boys say it in a girly voice

"were going to tell all of you why we aren't talking to cam to the best extent of what we can say"-Lillie

"We aren't mad just disappointed i guess"-Nelson

"We found out that cam-"-Zion

"Ay shut tf up bro"-Eli

"Something happened that we cant say but we are not really happy with the decision that was made"-Lillie 

"So things might go a little differently then how it was planned for the weekend"-issac

-you guys finish they video- 

"Ok can I go in the pool, pleaseeeee Lillie-Jean" Zion says getting on his knees begging me "why you askin me go in" I say laughing and with that Zion take's his T-shirt of and jumps in the pool and says "CANNONBALL" the hole pool just goes up causing all of us to laugh and apologise to  all of the people but then I was the only one around to talk to the boy who looked like jaden but with a buzz cut. "Hey sorry about that Zion's weighs  a bit because of his hight" I say laughing reliving the moment in my mind "Nahh all good it was pretty funny, also I'm jayla" the brown haired girl said "one hi I'm javon ,two aren't you the one my twin bumped into" hm twin "uh yea jaden right? walton" I say looking at all three of em. "Yeah that's us all right" they all say in sinc "I'm daelo" the little one said

-Issac pov-

We were saying sorry to everyone when I saw Lillie-Jean talking to a boy who looked similar to the boy she bumped into and a girl with  a younger boy about 8 or 9 and I got jealous? no surely not I don't like lillie well I mean she's very pretty. WAIT WHAT I can't say that I hate Lillie-Jean and I always will 

NOT NOW-Isaac EllisWhere stories live. Discover now