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*Lillie's pov*

Isaac was going to a party tonight he asked if I wanted to come but I don't feel good at all. I trust Isaac though, he would never cheat. I get up and walk around trying to gain strength back into my legs, I make my self a cup of tea before climbing back into bed.


#Number2ellis just sent a snap

                                            (Isaac is the guy and a random girl)

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                                            (Isaac is the guy and a random girl)


#Number2ellis changed to #Number1andhotterELLIS

"WHAT THE FUCK" I scream holding in tears. Getting a photo of my Isaac cheating feels like a punch to the gut that steals your breath away. It's not just seeing the image; it's the realization crashing down like a ton of bricks. First, there's disbelief, almost a desperate hope that maybe it's a mistake, a misinterpretation. I stare at the photo, trying to make sense of it, wishing it was anything but what it appears to be.

Then the shock sets in, a numbness that spreads through my body. I feel so disconnected, like I'm watching someone else's life fall apart in front of me. Questions flood my mind, a chaotic storm of "Why?" and "How could they?" The image burns into my memory, haunting me with every glance.Anger follows close behind, a raging fire fueled by betrayal. I want to scream, to lash out at the world for being so cruel. The person I trusted most has shattered that trust, leaving behind a jagged mess of broken promises and shattered dreams.Sadness seeps in like a relentless tide, washing over me with waves of grief. It's a deep ache in my chest, a heaviness that weighs me down. I mourn not just the loss of the relationship but the loss of the future we had imagined together.And through it all, there's a sense of disbelief, a surreal feeling that this can't possibly be happening to me. I question everything i thought i knew, wondering how I could of possibly missed the signs, how I could have been so blind.But amidst the pain and confusion, there's also a glimmer of clarity. I realize that I deserve better, that I'm worthy of love and respect. It's a painful awakening, but it's also a chance to rebuild, to rediscover myself and what truly matters to me.So, getting that photo is like being thrown into a storm of emotions, but it's also the beginning of a journey toward healing and finding a brighter day.

Cam burst throught the door "WHAT WHAT" he looks around my room before his eyes finally land on me, "lil?" he sits on my bed pushes away the tears and takes my phone to look at I was just looking at. "That little shi-" "cam i really dont care just dont let it get in the way of basketball" my eyes gloss over before I blink making the tears fall to my blanket. "I'm so sorry lil" cam hugs my while patting my hair. "It's so unfair I trusted him Itrusted us. The way he asked me out the way we went out and had the time of our live or so I thought. ALL A FUCKING LIE and I fell right into the trap helpless and hopeless it's always me weather its my family or friends or when it comes to relationships I trust to fast. Never a care in the world to what could happen to myself yet here I am, I should of never trusted anyone that fast." I burst out into tears and hug cam tighter never in a million years did I ever think about my safety.


Sorry babes. Trust it will get better but we must see it through.

NOT NOW-Isaac EllisWhere stories live. Discover now