Episode 3: Every Scar tells a story

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Clawdeen's scars on her hands has been hurting  more lately and she feels embarrassed to ask for help, luckily Toralei is here to teach her that scars tell a story, no matter how you get them


Clawdeen: D, it's not a big deal

Draculaura was using her phone to shine a light on her hand where Clawdeen's scar was bleeding a bit

Draculaura: it is a big deal, you bled all over your homework, the teacher was not happy with that, what even caused it to bleed?

Clawdeen: paper cut, wasn't pretty

Draculaura: yeah I know, I was sitting next to you

Draculaura shut the light off and went to get something, Clawdeen sat there waiting when her phone went off, she answered it

Clawdeen: Hello?

Frankie: *over phone* Hi Clawdeen!

Clawdeen: uh, hey Frankie, what's up?

Frankie: *over phone* well all the freshmen want you to come down, there is a fight going on...

Clawdeen: A Fight?! Why?

Frankie: *over phone* something about a missing phone... HEY! I SAID NO POWERS! A SIMPLE FIST FIGHT! sorry about that Clawdeen, they really don't listen

Clawdeen: Are You Encouraging Them To Fight?

Frankie: *over phone*... no? Bye!

Clawdeen hangs up and sighs, the cringes as her hands continued to sting, she got up and began walking to the door when Draculaura grabbed her hand

Draculaura: no leaving until we get that cleaned up

Clawdeen: I was fine when I got them

Draculaura: Fine?! You Almost Died! I'm not letting you leave!

Clawdeen: But I'm The Prefect! 

Draculaura: and the rules say if the Prefect in unavailable the other elect Prefect will deal with the problem

Clawdeen: Please, If Toralei Deals With It, She Will Convince Them To Use Powers, It Will Be A Blood Bath Down There!

Draculaura: okay you have a point there, but you are not leaving

Clawdeen: *sigh* fine, can you hand me my phone to get Toralei down there?

Draculaura: sure

she turns and grabs Clawdeen's phone from her bed, but when she turned back Clawdeen was gone

Draculaura: Did I Really Just Fall For That?

she groans 


Clawdeen: OKAY STOP IT!

she runs and gets between a zombie kid and a ghost kid

Frankie: Claw! I Knew You Would Come!

Zombie kid: Let Me At Him!

Ghost kid: She Started It! Just Give Me My Phone!

Zombie kid: I Would But I Didn't Take It!

Clawdeen was having a hard time keeping them apart

Clawdeen: Okay, have you checked your locker?

Ghost kid: no?

Clawdeen: i'm pretty sure it's in there

the ghost kid goes to his locker and opens it, and finds his phone

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