1| Obscurus

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"Amber!" Charlotte yelled. Pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" She asked me.

Yes I was. But I couldn't tell her what I was doing.

"Yes, why?" I questioned. She frowned.

"Never mind." She said hurt.

"Sorry, we can do something tomorrow?" I asked her trying to make it better. She smiled sadly at me.

"I can't tomorrow."

"Girls! Stop talking!" Our teacher yelled at us.

"Sorry." I muttered, trying not to roll my eyes.

As the school day went on I could only think about tonight. Obviously I couldn't tell Charlotte about my secret identity as Moonlight but I still felt guilty.

When the school bell rang I rushed to pack up my things. I promised Charlotte we would do something over the weekend, but I wasn't thinking about that.

Later that night I changed into my super suit and flew off into the night sky
Glimmering softly my luminescent powers twinkled all around me. I was waiting. Waiting for a villain.

"Ah look, our hero decided to show up for once." Said a vicious voice. I turned around to see a tall figure standing in a dark alleyway, Obscurus. He had a green suit on today with a black mask. How this man had so many suits, I didn't know.

"I needed an easy villain to get my mind off things." I replied, slowly walking into a well-lit area, causing Obscurus to follow me. My skin began to glow more furiously because of the light. Obscurus raised his eyebrows.

"You are a cocky hero aren't you? Let's see how easy I am." He said as 10 clones surrounded me at once.

I knew I was going to have to stay focused or I would lose track of the real Obscurus.

"See? I knew it would be easy. You're pitiful. Can even fight a battle by yourself." I teased. Looking at one of the clones.

I threw a ball of light at the clone I thought was the real Obscurus. He stumbled back a few feet and all the other clones disappeared. It was clear he needed concentration to keep the clones alive. I used this to my advantage.

I silently teleported behind him. This was too easy. I couldn't resist a mischievous scream. 


Obscurus let out a blood curdling scream and jumped a few feet forward. All the clones disappeared. As I expected, this battle was too easy.

Obscurus looked around, trying to find me. I laughed humorlessly, the sound echoing through the empty alleyways.

"That was hilarious." I chuckled. Obscurus slowly turned around to glare at me. It gave me the chills, But I didn't show it.

"You'll regret that, Moonlight." He said, harshly.

I winked at him. "Show me what you got."

A bunch more clones appeared, surrounding me yet again. This time I lost track of the real Obscurus.

Oh crap.

I ran under a streetlight. My skin was glowing like the sun because of the light. I made a force field around me to stop the clones from coming any closer than they already were.

Okay I just need him to lose concentration. Maybe if I-

I had so much power in me my skin was burning. I smirked. This was going to be fun.

All at once I released my power on the clones. I hit each and every one of them.

"OWWW!" Screamed Obscurus. He went flying into a wall as all the other clones disappeared.

"Aw did that hurt?" I mocked him. Knowing he was going to take awhile to get up, I let my force field fall to sparks around me

"Well this has been fun. But maybe you should find an easier hero to fight." I said.

Obscurus slowly made his way off the ground and glared at me.

"Having fun Moonlight?" He asked me. I knew I should have but I nodded. It was his turn to smirk.

"That was just the beginning." He replied, backing away from me. I knew I really shouldn't have but-

I broke out laughing.

"What are you going to do? Make useless clones all night?" I teased. He gave me a creepy smile that gave me the creeps.


Uh oh.

In a blink of an eye I was surrounded, again. This time the clones were huge.

They were at least 10 feet taller than me and they all had a weapon of some sort. I frowned at the real Obscurus, who was a lot shorter than them.

"So." I nervously chuckled. "How is your day going?"


I was thrown upside down into the air by a... nunchuck? It took me a few seconds to regain balance in the air before I looked over to see Obscurus smirking.

I didn't like fighting in the air but I didn't have much time to land. I teleported behind Obscurus again, but this time he saw me.

"You'll have to try harder than that Moonlight." He said mischievously grinning at me.

A clone popped out of thin air. Well this wasn't going to end well.

The clone flew as fast as it could right into my chest. I went flying as I tried to regain balance. The clone pulled out a sword. I tried to resist a chuckle.

"How lame could you possibly be dude?" I asked Obscurus while easily dodging a sword being thrown at me. It clanked when it hit the floor, 20 feet below me.

"What do you mean?" Obscurus asked, momentarily distracted. The clones shrank a little bit. I couldn't help my smile. He was easily distracted.

"Using a medieval weapon? We are in the future! Use your imagination!" I chuckled. The clones were slightly visible at this point.

My vision blurred as I swiftly teleported next to Obscurus scaring him yet again. I made a ball of light in with hands and threw it at him with all my might. He stumbled to the ground, slightly glowing from the impact.

I rolled my eyes. This was getting old.

I looked at him, he was out cold. I kicked him in the side to make sure he was out,  and when he didn't flinch I took off. My body emitting light all around me as I flew away as fast as an airplane. The harsh wind blowing my hair and cape around.
A new story! Let me know your thoughts! (Word Count:1,073)

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