3|Shadow's Embrace

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Ugh what happened? Where am I?

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I could faintly make out a gray brick wall on all sides of me. The room was almost pitch black and was a damp area. I felt powerless.

I carefully got up into a sitting position only to realize I was chained to the ground. The chains were black and felt cold against my arms and ankles.

Crap, what do I do now?

I tried to pull against the chains but they were too strong and I was too weak. Panic settled in me. I was powerless. I was going to have to wait until Shadowstrike appeared and make a move then.

I tried to calm down and take in my surroundings. The only thing in the room were the chains holding me to the ground. I saw a door a few feet away. I reached for it but my chains held me from getting to it. I sat back down.

I looked behind me in case there was something I missed. I jumped back from what I saw.

There in the corner was Shadowstrike, watching me intently.

"So you just have a dungeon in your basement I'm assuming?" I asked, trying to distract him. He smirked, amused.

"Moonlight." He said.

"Yep that's me." I replied, struggling to keep the shakiness out of my voice.

"You are quite scared aren't you?" He asked. I paused.

"So what if I am? Wouldn't you be a little scared if you got kidnapped by a sc- not scary looking figure?" I replied. His smirk grew.

"You know I really thought you would have put up more of a fight. Obscurus made it sound like you were powerful." He mocked.

"Well he is pretty easy to beat if you ask me." I replied cooly. Although I was scared to death of this kidnapping thing.

Shadowstrike walked over to me, glancing at my chains. I followed his gaze down to my hands which had a faint glow.

"I'll make sure to tell him that. Now explain to me how you have power." He demanded. But I obviously wasn't going to tell him.

"It's a big secret. Are you sure you can handle it?" I asked, fighting off a grin. Shadowstrike glared at me.

"Magic," I exclaimed. Shadowstrike's hands were fading into black. He came even closer to me.

"I don't play games Moonlight." He replied.

"Yeah neither do I." I said while punching him in the face with a blast of light. While he was on the ground I immediately worked on getting out of the chains. I put all of my body weight and pulled my hands out. That was all I needed.

Before Shadowstrike could get up I hit him with another blast of light. He groaned out in pain. I made a force field of light around me and started working on the ankle cuffs.

"Maybe Obscurus was right about you." Shadowstrike grunted as he was getting up.

"Never under estimate your opponents Shadowstrike," I said finally breaking free of the cuffs.

Shadowstike didn't make a move towards me.

"What? Too scared to fight me?" I asked him.

"No, I am not dumb. I cannot break your force field." He responded. "But I also know that you are stranded. You don't have enough energy to teleport and the moment you walk out of this room you will be powerless because of the darkness."

I frowned. He was right. I couldn't do anything. I leaned against the wall, trying to think of what to do.

"Why did you capture me?" I asked trying to momentarily distract him. He didn't take his eyes off me as he answered.

"Simple. You have something I need."

"And that is?" I asked.

"Moonlight if I told you what it was, you would have no clue what I was talking about." He replied.

"Try me." I said.

"Only when you get back in your chains." He stated. I frowned at him.

"Yeah right Shadow-man." I said.

"Suit yourself." He replied, leaning against the wall.

"So, I'll be on my way," I said walking toward the door. Shadowstrike rolled his eyes.

"You know when you walk past me you will be powerless. I wouldn't try anything." He pointed out. I grunted. This was hopeless. I couldn't do anything in this situation.

"Well I can at least try something." I said, quickly. I threw a ball of light at him, but since he was expecting it he deflected it with his force field. He rolled his eyes.

"Moonlight I am getting ready to walk over there myself and put you in those chains." He stated.

"Try then." I mocked.

In an instant, he was in front of me, but I was ready. I bolted for the door. Shadowstrike was dumbfounded f0r a few seconds, but those few seconds were all I needed.

I threw open the door and ran down a completely black hallway. I didn't know if he could see in the dark but I wasn't taking any chances.

I felt myself growing tired because of the dark but I didn't slow down.

A few seconds later I felt Shadowstrike behind me.


I tripped over the carpet. With a loud thump echoing down the hallway.

What a great day.

I slowly sat up. I felt like I fell down a mountain of stairs.

Shadowstrike was flying so fast he blew right past me. I took my opportunity to get up and start running again, the opposite way this time. Down a different hallway.

I'm screwed. How am I supposed to out run and out smart him. Wait can't this guy teleport?  I could of sworn-


I ran right into a wall.

It's really been a good day.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I've been really busy with homework and on top of being sick I've had no time to write. Have a great week and (hopefully) I'll update Saturday! Thanks for reading! (WC:992)

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