4|Change of Plans

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It's been a really good day.

There was no way Shadowstrike didn't hear that. I rolled over to my side and sat up.

"Moonlight." Said a dark, husky voice. I jumped up to my feet, gritting my teeth in pain.

"That would be me." I remarked. I tried not to show my pain but I was failing tremendously.

I must of hit that wall pretty hard. I thought.

Shadowstrike chuckled.

"You hit a wall? I'm starting to debate if you are worth capturing. You might knock yourself out before I can do anything with you." He said, smirking.

Wait, how did he know I ran into a wall?

"You know it would be helpful if I could see, but you live under a rock and it's pitch black in here" I replied. I slightly shifted over to the wall to lean against it. Shadowstrike tensed at my movement.

"Wait, are you scared of me?" I asked grinning at him. He glared at me.

"How are you calm in this situation Moonlight? There is nothing you can do now. You can run but you can't hide." He said, taking a step toward me. I leaned off the wall, ready to fight. But I knew I didn't stand a chance. I was struggling to even stay off the wall.

"That is so cliche. Who says that anymore? And there isn't a point to be scared, you are scared enough for the both of us." I replied. He glared daggers at me.

"We'll see."

"Make sure you don't-" I started. But I was interrupted as I screamed. A huge, black, shadow, ball thing hurled towards me.

"Oh fudge!" I yelled. I got thrown into the wall at excelling speeds. I groaned out in pain.

"That did not go as planned." I muttered,  struggling to get up. Since there wasn't any light I wasn't healing.

"Are you scared yet?" Shadowstrike asked.

"Never." I grunted. I took off into a sprint, well as fast as I could run, and ran right into him, trying to knock him down.

Shadowstike stood there unfazed.

"Today is really not my day." I said. I heard a snicker, then everything went black.
I woke up in chains...again.

Ugh you've got to be kidding me. I thought looking around.

This room wasn't pitched black like the other one. In fact this one looked like a normal room..

There was a ginormous bed in the middle with deep blue sheets. To the side was a small table that had a small lamp on it. There was a brown hardwood floor with a light blue carpet under the bed.

This looks like a bedroom a king would sleep in.

"Ah, thank you Moonlight for calling me a king." Said a deep, husky voice. I looked over to see Shadowstrike standing in the doorway.

Wait how did he know I said that.. Oh crap. You can read minds can't you? I thought glancing at him. Shadowstrike smirked.

I can also speak to you telepathically.

I shivered. It felt weird having someone else's voice in your mind.

"I'll ask you again. What do you want from me?" I demanded. He raised his eyebrows.

"What makes you think you have the right to know?" He remarked, stepping closer to me.

"You captured me. Obviously I have the right to know why you need me. Am I that special? Couldn't stay away from me?" I bragged, cockily.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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