Chapter 1 - The Accident

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Jill's Pov:

*Alarm rings*
Gosh it's way too early to be waking up but i can't get out of going to school but atleast i have my amazing girlfriend Kirby she's honestly the only reason i haven't dropped out yet if i never met her who knows i'd probably be like gale weathers trying to find a good story for the news. After she gets ready for school she goes downstairs. "Good morning Jill". Sidney says. "Good morning Sid." I say. "Are you ready for me to take you to school." She says. "Yeah i am." I say. "Alright lets go then". she says. we both get into the car and drive to school. "Thanks for the ride sid." i say. "No problem and have a good day with your girlfriend". She says teasingly. "uh-huh i will". i say.

Kirby's Pov:

"Hey baby". i say. "Hey my beautiful girlfriend". Jill said with the most sweetest voice. "hey love birds." Olivia says. "hey Olivia". i say "Kirby Jill what's your favorite scary movie" . Robbie said. "Fuck off Robbie no one cares". Jill said. "Its fine baby" I said. I honestly love horror movies. why? well because of Jill's cousin Sidney Prescott she was my inspiration for horror movies, im a fan of horror films but Jill mostly doesn't she'll watch them but won't see the meaning about them but that doesn't stop me from loving her.

"Hey gorgeous". Charlie says winking at me then proceeds to flirt with me. "How many times do i have to repeat to you charlie she's taken". Jill says. Jill can be a little overprotective of me well now that i think of it she is overprotective over me but i still love her. "Jeez overprotective much" Charlie says. "yes do you have a problem with it" Jill says. "Okay guys cut it out" Olivia says. "Jill please don't start another fight with Charlie over me." oh yea i forgot to mention last year these two got into a fight over me guess who won, Jill did, honestly i never knew she had that much strength i can barely lift a 20 pound dumbell."Charlie your being ridiculous fighting for the same girl after you lost last year just move on" Trevor says. "Easy for you to say Trevor you moved on from Jill after 4 years." Charlie says". "Yeah but that was in middle school man". Trevor says." "you both are being ridiculous right now." Olivia says. "Hey guys i think you should check your phones". Jill says with a worried face. "why what's wrong baby". i say "just check them". she says once again with a worried face. we all look down at our phones

"Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall both dead last night by an unknown killer please stay at home and if you do go out be careful of a masked killer called ghostface and don't go to any parties." - Channel 4 news

Charlie's Pov:

dang i can't believe that Marnie and Jenny died last night i could've had a chance with them oh well but that's really crazy a serial killer on the loose wait a minute."GUYS! this is the same thing that happened to Sidney in 1996,1997, and in 2000." i said "OMG Charlie you actually right." Jill said surprised "I hope i don't die." Olivia said. "Don't worry Olivia i'll protect you". Trevor said winking at her. "Man you're really desperate for a girlfriend huh ." I said. "N-No i'm not". He says "well maybe i can be your boyfriend instead" I said winking at him "I-I'M NOT G-G-GAY" He said Blushing "Uh Huh sure you aren't Trevor". Olivia Said.

Jill's Pov:

"Babe can we maybe hang out at my place today" I said "Of course baby" Kirby says "I guess i'll be single forever". Robbie said "yea well i couldn't care at all". I said. "Baby be nice". Kirby says "Fine only for you though". I said "well are we going to class or will we skip today". Olivia says "Skip no i can't". Robbie says. "I mean i really don't care". Trevor says "Okay who's in to skip today". Olivia says. "Babe what do you think". I said "sure". Kirby says "okay i guess we're in" I said "okay that 2 Trevor, Robbie,Charlie?". "Uh sure i guess". Trevor says. "Yea im in". Charlie says "uh i don't know guys what if we get caught". Robbie says "C'mon don't be a pussy". Trevor says. "Ugh Fine but if i get caught im snitching you guys out". Robbie says "uh huh sure so after 4th period we all meet in the cafeteria we'll go out through the gym". Olivia says. "Okay we all say". we all go into the school when the bell rings. "ill see you in 3rd period baby" Kirby says giving me a kiss right after. "okay". i said returning the kiss to her. ugh 1st period is so boring i mean who cares about what happened in the 1900's well good thing i was saved by the bell.

Olivia's Pov:

man i can't believe they actually said yes to skipping with me this is gonna be super fun i even managed to get Robbie to skip with us the geek who cares about horror movies and getting his grades up. well just two more periods to go."OLIVIA". the spanish teacher said "Yes". i said "say I have a car in spanish since you weren't paying attention.the spanish teacher said jeez teachers these days can be real bitches."uhm yo tengo un carro." I said "wow im impressed ms. morris but please pay attention next time"she said "yes miss'. I said yes it's finally 3rd period i have the same period as Jill,Kirby, Robbie,Trevor, and Charlie basically the crew so we can just leave after Calculus.

Jill's Pov:

Damn i can't believe that Olivia actually managed to convince us to skip the rest of the school day, Sidney wouldn't care she would just ask if im atleast passing my classes which i am, i actually don't mind skipping class can get a boring sometimes especially calculus but atleast i have it with my girlfriend Kirby. "hey babe". I said giving Kirby a kiss "hey baby" She said. "are you ready for class" i said. "yeah" she said "alright let's go" i said. as we were walking to class i noticed a news van parked outside,oh it must be because Jenny and Marine died last night, it was pretty brutal how they were killed stabbed to death,anyways we got to class were we then met up with Olivia,Trevor, Charlie, and Robbie. "Hey guys" I said. "Hey Jill" Trevor,Olivia,Charlie, and Robbie said. "So you guys ready" Olivia said. "for what" Robbie says. "Y'know to leave" Olivia said. "Oh uh sure i guess" Robbie says. "I just don't wanna be here" I said. ugh why couldn't class just end already i hate it here what's the point of coming to school when you can just be famous on TikTok and earn money. Finally the bell rang for 4th period. "alright guys so where are we going". Olivia said "We could go eat somewhere" Trevor says. "I don't feel like eating" I said "We could go to these abandoned houses near the school" Charlie says "Sure" Olivia said "i guess abandoned houses it is" Kirby said. we left the school and headed to the abandoned houses. it was a 30 minute drive from the school to the abandoned houses, my girlfriend was driving of course she loves driving. "Alright we're here guys" Kirby says "okay so i'll go with Kirby and Olivia" I said. "So the boys will go together". Olivia says "i guess we are" Charlie says we all split up into our groups, Olivia is on her phone while i flirt with Kirby. "your so beautiful babe" I said "You are too" Kirby said "i feel like a third wheel being here" Olivia says "cool well we'll be right back stay here Olivia" i say "sure i will it's not like im going anywhere" Olivia says. I take Kirby somewhere where no one could see us "so why are we here" Kirby says "you wanna have a little bit of fun" i say grabbing her and pinning her onto the wall "sure" Kirby says nervously "its fine if you don't want to" i say "no its fine" she says "okay" i say leaning to kiss her we start making out i start to take her clothes off but i hear a noise "why'd you stop" she says "do you hear that" i say "hear what" we hear the noise again "we should probably go look at what it is" i say '"okay" kirby says but then Ghostface appears right in front of us. "Surprise Girls" Ghostface says as he aims for Kirby. I jump in front of her and suddenly i blackout.

Kirby's Pov:

"JILL!" I said hoping she hasn't died, i start crying, how could she take the stab wound for me i was supposed to be hurt not her, suddenly we hear Trevor's voice "Guys their right here" he says "OMG what happened to Jill" Charlie says "she got stabbed idiot" Robbie says "Please help her call an ambulance" I say with a shaky voice "Ok just calm down Kirby" Trevor said "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN MY GIRLFRIEND WAS JUST STABBED AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF SHE'S DEAD" i said crying the paramedics finally arrived they took her into the ambulance i went with her "im so sorry i couldn't save you baby please don't die on me it should've been me who got stabbed instead of you" i said crying once more. when we arrived at the hospital i could see Sidney, Gale ,Dewy and Mrs Roberts were there why was Gale there though she didn't know Jill that much maybe she was their to comfort Sidney i could see she was in alot of pain i would also be sad if my cousin who i was so close to was stabbed and was in the hospital. "Hey Sidney"I said "H-Hey Kirby" She said softly "Hey Gale, Hey Sheriff Riley" i said "Hey sorry about your girlfriend kid" Dewey said. "Hey Kirby sorry about what happened to Jill" Gale Said "its fine" I said making my way to Olivia "Hey Kirby im really sorry we should've never gone this is all my fault" Olivia Said "No its fine its not your fault we agreed anyway i just hope she doesn't die she's the only person who i've loved so much" i said starting to cry again "Kirby she's going to be fine trust me Jill's a strong girl she'll make it" Olivia Said. We see the Doctor coming towards us "How is she doctor" Sidney Said "well" The doctor said 

HAHA Cliffhanger cry about it but thank you for reading my first ever story i really appreciate it i'll try to make a new chapter every week.

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