01: introduction

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i'm brand new to the app, so please bear with me! this book may not look seamless. i'm learning as i go :)


my name is robin, and these chapters will consist of my characters open for rp.

customarily, i don't make characters for fandoms. i would not be opposed to tweaking an oc for one if you have something in mind, though! you only need to ask.

most of my characters are meant for a historical setting, but i will reiterate that anything can be tweaked. i understand how restrictive making characters for a specific period can be!

i've taken a long break from roleplay, so i am incredibly rusty. my replies may be delayed/shorter as a result! i prefer descriptive, longer replies though.

i have vague plots in mind for some of these characters! i also love to talk out of rp and make playlists/moodboards, so don't be afraid to engage.


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