Smile again (Chase)

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Chase let out a weary sigh, guiding his patrol vehicle into the firehouse's bay after a late-night patrol. In the cab of the mech, Charlie sat, stifling a soft yawn. As they came to a stop, Charlie opened the door and climbed out of Chase, who transformed once he was clear to.

"I'm off to bed. Goodnight, Chase," Charlie mumbled, clearly drained from the long shift.

"Goodnight, Chief Burns," Chase replied in his usual monotone voice.

With Charlie's departure, Chase scanned the cavernous room, finding himself alone. A faint frown tugged at the corners of his metallic face as he headed down into the bunker, noticing the absence of his teammates. It seemed they were all scattered, each enjoying their own private spaces during this idle time.

Being alone like this had never bothered him before, so the sudden unease puzzled Chase. He settled onto the oversized couch, flicking on the TV with the too-small remote. The mech absently flipped through the channels until something on the screen captured his attention. It was an old romance movie, filmed in classic black and white. Chase recognized the film as old, and it displayed a man and a woman gracefully slow dancing within their home while a melancholic melody played. Setting the remote down beside him, Chase watched in silence, captivated by the nostalgic scenes unfolding on the screen.

Chase found himself inexplicably drawn into the melodious romance unfolding before him, a peculiar warmth washing over him—a sensation entirely foreign, but oddly welcoming. Though he couldn't quite grasp what he was feeling, he allowed himself to embrace it.

Suddenly, a soft, feminine voice snapped him from his reverie. It was you, your hair casually tied up in a loose bun, clad in pajamas and an oversized hoodie.

"Enjoying yourself?" you inquired, a  pleasant tone in your voice.

"Oh, my apologies," Chase responded, turning his attention to you. "Did I wake you?"

"Heavens, no. I can't sleep. What are you watching?" you asked, effortlessly settling beside him on the couch.

"It appears to be a romantic film. Different from others I have witnessed. It is in black and white. I presume it to be old," Chase replied, his optics fixed on you, a hint of curiosity within them.

"Yeah, it looks like it's from the late '50s maybe," you replied, a gentle smile gracing your lips as you, too, were captivated by the timeless scenes and music on the television.

You and Chase settled into a companionable silence, lost in the enchantment of the classic film.

Chase finally broke the comfortable silence with a curious tone. "What are those humans doing, exactly?" he inquired, gesturing towards the screen where the couple was engaged in a slow dance.

"They're slow dancing. It's something couples do occasionally, especially to romantic music. It's usually just a romantic thing you see in movies, not so much in real life," you explained with a casual shrug.

"Human couples do this in movies to express their love for each other, correct?" Chase sought clarification.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," you confirmed.

"Then may we try it?" Chase's unexpected request caught you off guard.

"I- what?" you stammered.

"May we try slow dancing?" Chase repeated his question, his robotic demeanor softening.

A soft blush spread across your face, a shy smile gracing your lips. "As sweet as that is, you're way too large to slow dance with a human, Chase," you chuckled, your eyes meeting his in an amused yet affectionate gaze.

A hint of disappointment crossed Chase's face before he turned his attention back to the TV, masking said dissapointment. He simply watched the romantic scene unfold.

Small pangs of guilt tugged at your heartstrings, compelling you to speak up once more. "I wish I could, Chase. I really do," you admitted, your voice filled with a soft, loving tone. You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting your genuine affection.

Chase met your gaze without a word, his metallic features betraying a flicker of emotion. That same warm feeling emanated from his core once more, now a touch stronger than before. He wracked his processor, attempting to decipher the unfamiliar sensation.

The large police mech gently placed a hand against your side, using his other hand to scoop you up and raise you to his chest. "May I inquire something?" he asked, his voice steady and serious.

"Ask away, Chase," you replied, your tone laced with a soft chuckle. That laugh of yours was like music to his audials.

"Heatwave described it as internal combustion at one point, but I am getting the feeling that that is not the case. I have a warmth within my spark that I have never felt before. What could that indicate?" Chase questioned, his optics focused on you, searching for an answer within your expression.

"Internal combustion-? No, it's definitely not that," you laughed heartily. Watching Chase grow even more perplexed before you only fueled your laughter.

"I do not understand why my lack of understanding is amusing to you," Chase responded, his voice remaining monotone.

"I'm laughing because it's endearing, Chase. It's like you're discovering a whole new world, the world of human emotion," you explained between soft giggles.

Chase stared at you with a blank expression. "I did not know that being confused was a positive trait."

"Oh, Chase," you smiled up at the mech. "That warm feeling? It means you're in love. That nice, fuzzy feeling you get around someone, and you become all shy and get butterflies in your stomach. It means you're in love."

"Having butterflies within oneself indicates that you are in love? But I do not have a stomach, nor do I have butterflies within my internal mechanisms," Chase remarked, still processing the nuances of human emotions.

You couldn't help but laugh some more; his cluelessness was undeniably adorable to you, just like the rest of him. His bright, questioning optics, his all-too-literal mindset—everything about him was just amazing to you.

"No, I don't mean it literally. 'Butterflies in your stomach' means you're nervous or excited. It's a figure of speech, Chase," you clarified, seeing the gears of understanding slowly turn behind his optics.

"I think I understand now. I am in love with you."

"I love you too, Chase."

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