A Christmas Treat (Blades) -smut-

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Snow gently cascaded from the puffy clouds overhead, creating a serene winter landscape. The white and orange Cybertronian named Blades stood atop the firehouse, a radiant smile on his face. Winter had always been his favorite time of year – Christmas, the early morning snowfall, and the promise of family, snowman building, and gift exchanges.

Danni stood beside Blades, donning a beanie and scarf. "Excited, Blades?" she asked with a soft chuckle, looking up at the joyful mech.

Blades beamed with enthusiasm. "I am SO excited! I can't wait for tomorrow! Christmas Day!"

"Yeah, it's going to be a real treat," she laughed softly. "Come on, let's head back inside. We have some family on their way; they should be here by now."

The two descended the elevator from the rooftop, arriving in the spacious main room of the firehouse. The space was adorned with Christmas decorations, garlands hanging from the ceiling, and a beautifully lit tree that cast a warm glow over the room.

Soft chatter filled the room, drawing Blades and Danni toward their family and a few welcomed visitors. Among those guests, was you.

Blades practically shouted your name with delight, "You came!! Ugh, I'm so happy you did!"

You laughed at the exuberant mech, "Yeah, yeah, I got your invitation. It was hard to miss. The giant card and all."

Blades couldn't contain his excitement, and he gently scooped you up in his hands, a gasp of astonishment escaping his vocalizer. "We can watch Christmas movies together!" he exclaimed, his optics brimming with joy.

"Hold on just a minute, Blades," you laughed softly, "we've got a lot to do – cooking, more decorating, and a ton of other things."

Blades let out an eager whine, "Oh, come onnnn! I want to party now," he huffed, reluctantly setting you down.

Another voice interjected, "Blades, you'll have to wait. This holiday is significant to the humans, for some reason."

You recognized the voice as Heatwave's; the gruff one with occasional anger issues.

"Ugh, fine," Blades sighed, glancing down at you. "But promise me we'll watch Christmas movies together."

"I promise," you smiled warmly.

As the day wore on, the tantalizing scent of food wafted through the firehouse. In the kitchen, you stood happily, tending to a pot of food and humming along to the Christmas music playing in the background. The evening eventually arrived, and you all gathered for dinner. The celebration unfolded in the bunker to accommodate the bots, who chatted and mingled with your family and friends.

Blades huffed softly, "I'm just saying, the best Christmas movie is 'Elf'!"

Heatwave countered, "Absolutely not. The best Christmas movies are 'Home Alone.' They're funny as hell."

Chase, the police bot, interjected, "I do not condone watching those films. They contain numerous illegal activities."

Boulder, the green bulldozer, added, "I really enjoy 'The Nightmare Before Christmas.' It's such a lovely romance movie."

You joined the conversation, smiling at their bickering. "The live-action 'Grinch Who Stole Christmas' has some wonderfully corny humor in it. That one's pretty good."

Heatwave snorted, "Yeah, I'll agree with you there."

Blades made a face, "That one is...weird. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't choose it if I had other options," he said, huffing softly.

"So what movie are we watching tonight then?" Danni interjected.

Cade grinned mischievously, "Definitely 'Krampus.' I want to see Blades' reaction to a Christmas horror movie."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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