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October 12, 2021

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October 12, 2021

Hackensack, New Jersey


Jake Wheeler explored the tables filled with junk that Mrs.Jolly no longer wanted, the fourteen year old boy's eyes landed on a ginger haired doll propped sitting up. Jake gently grabbed the doll, inspecting it all around to see what kind of condition it was in when Mrs.Jolly walked over to him and stood right in front of Jake.

"Hi Jake," She greeted, smiling at the young boy. "20 bucks for that. Seem fair?"

"20 bucks?"

The older woman laughed softly, looking at the doll. "It's gotta be worth at least 20 bucks right?"

Jake looked back at the doll, "Where'd you get this?"

Mrs.Jolly sighed, crossing her arms, "You know what, I actually don't know. Must've been my daughter's " She concluded, trying to remember where the doll actually came from. "Honestly I don't remember. You into vintage?"

"No, I'm into retro."

"Oh, what's the difference?"

"About 10 bucks." Jake laughed, smiling up at the older woman.

Mrs.Jolly laughed too, tilting her head, "Oh alright. Fair enough."

Jake held the doll under his right arm, grabbing his wallet out of his jean pocket with his left and pulled out a crisp 10 dollar bill, handing it to the woman, shoving his wallet back into his pocket and holding the doll as if it was a baby before he put his headphones on and started his walk back home.

Mrs.Jolly smiled, watching Jake walk away before turning around seeing the block of knifes knocked over, she picked it up only to realize one thing.

"Oh, somebody took the butchers knife."


'What's up, Detectives! It's Devon Evans, here in Hackensack. The Mayor likes to say that the saints are watching over us, guiding our destiny and keeping us from harm. Well I call bullshit on that. The Mayor wants us to think we are living on Main Street at Disneyland. But, the truth is Hackensack is a haven for the bizarre, the fucked up, and the straight up criminally insane. In the past year alone, our murder rate had spiked 25%. In fact, we haven't seem this kind of violence since the Ray Family Murders. In '65, a bloodbath that gave birth to one of Hackensack's most notorious serial killer, Charles Lee Ray. Back in the day he was one of us, growing up right over on Sherwood Lane. You won't read about it in the "Times" dispatch but you can hear all about it right here, every week. Until next time, Fellow Detectives, this is Devon Evans bringing you...'

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