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Shaera Targaryen met many interesting people in her life, as she was the princess of the seven kingdoms and a member of the Targaryen family. Her lady in waiting, Elys Rivers was definitely one of them.

The bastard daughter of an unknown lord, this young woman was able to surprise the old princess from the first time they met.

It was a memorable day, as the princess and her dear husband, and also brother, Jahaerys were finally able to tire down their father to accept the marriage agreement between their children Rhaella and Aerys. One would think after seeing how happy his children were after marrying each other, the king would let them continue the family tradition with their own children.

Satisfied with her success, the princess was parading through the gardens of the Red Keep with her ladies in waiting, taking the beautiful sight of the Narrow Sea. That was where she met her Alyssa.

The young woman with her golden hair shimmering in the sun, appeared to her unexpectedly. In fact, she was not paying attention to the princess coming to her way, rather to the men of City Watch who were wandering around the palace gardens for some unknown reason. Their helmets in their hands, they were standing there listening to the woman explaining something with her lovely voice and sweet laughter. Unlike the men, the young woman was aware of her surroundings that as soon as she noticed the princess and her companions out of the corner of her eye, she ran to her and knelt down in front of her.

"My princess.," she said "I have hoped to see you today."

It was an unexpected meeting perhaps, but definitely not an unpleasant one.

Soon after the bastard girl became one of the princess' ladies in waiting.

She was unusually intelligent and knowledgeable for a bastard, especially about history. One her favourite nightly activities was to amuse those around her by recounting all the events in the books Shaera had drowned in as a child, as if they were simple stories. Just like the princess, Elys also favored the stories including the Targaryen ancestors and their dragons. Perhaps also because of that, Shaera often felt like she was talking to the Princess Alyssa come again. Her lady in waiting had dirty blond hair and fire in her green eyes, just like the daughter of Jahaerys and good Queen Alysanne was described. While watching her lady in waiting looking into the sky, trying to reach to the clouds, Shaera believed she was seeing her ancestor through this woman.

Understandably Elys was her dearest companion after that point.

She was the who one helped her precious daughter Rhaella get ready for her wedding and her bedding. It was Elys who stood beside her when she lost her father and became the queen, when she took her first grandson to her arms. To listen, to advise and to cheer her up with her jests.

So it was strange to the Queen when her dear friend disappeared right after she just lost her lord husband, right when she needed her the most. But when she came back, explaining she was with child, refusing to name the father, Shaera knew it was her turn to help. She sent her to Dragonstone where she would be safe and away from the prying eyes. She was there when a crying babe came into the world, while her mother left it.

The babe was very small, very fragile but when she opened her eyes Shaera saw her friend again. She saw her Alyssa.

The name of the girl was obvious for her in that moment.

However the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms knew she had not much time left in this world, and the Stranger was calling her to join her husband. Before she left, she left the babe to her daughter, who was already mourning too many of her children at such a young age, hoping this little girl with bright green eyes and a mop of dark hair would bring some light to her life, just as Elys did to hers.

The Queen Mother's suspicions were true and she left the world right before little Alyssa's first name day. Alyssa Rivers was left in the Red Keep without a family, but she would find a new one there. Young queen Rhaella took the babe with her wherever she went, and soon the young prince also picked the same habit as his mother. Following his mother and the babe all the time, Rhaegar grew fond of Alyssa, or rather possessive some might say. As she grew into a girl with wild curls and freckles on her pink cheeks, the heir to the Iron Throne started going to his lessons while holding her hand, and the bastard girl was all too happy for that. For her Rhaegar and the queen were her family and she was joyed to watch Rhaegar learn High Valyrian from the Maesters or spar with young squires in the palace gardens.

Unfortunately she was aware of the looks she received, whether she was reading in the library next to Rhaegar or keeping herself busy with the needlework while sitting with the queen.

Soon after her thirteenth name day, the queen gave birth to a son that would survive after so many losses, and Alyssa believed this to be her chance to prove the people around her she could be useful too. That she was worth to keep around. She started to see the little prince's needs and watch him closely all the time, so that she could tell the bedridden queen how was her son. Poor Rhaella's mood was quite cheerful thanks to her youngest son,after too many stillborns or babes who would leave this world as quickly as they came, but her body was exhausted and she could not leave her chambers for weeks; and the fact that Aerys did not let anyone be in the same room with little Viserys was not helping. Therefore she was thankful for Alyssa's little anecdotes about her son and it would give the queen relief to know her son was being watched by her sweet girl. The only one distraught by this arrangement was Rhaegar, as he was used to have Alyssa by his side all the time and did not wish to share his little sister, but soon the afternoons would become their favourite time of the day, eating lemon cake and having tea in Viserys' chamber with the queen.

Perhaps she was a bastard with no past, but Red Keep was Alyssa Rivers' home and the Targaryens were her family.


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