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"I still cannot understand how you agreed to leave Dorne and live here."

Princess Elia Martell was in no mood to snap at her younger brother as she was trying not to be interrupted as she tried to enjoy the breeze in her face. "I won't be living here, Oberyn," she said, keeping her gaze on the sea, "we're moving to Dragonstone after the wedding."

"That's right, I had forgotten that you are marrying the prince of Dragonstone. Though I don't think even he knows of that title, I hear he spends most of his time mingling with the people and singing songs."

"So he is someone I wouldn't be bored with."

"If you're happy to marry a jester..."

The princess of Dorne stared at her brother at his words. He was trying to make a joke of it but as his older sister, she could see the worry in Oberyn's dark eyes. Elia knew that even the fact that they were now on a ship bound for King's Landing would not stop Oberyn from trying to get her home. "I am marrying the future king, Oberyn, and his knowledge of the arts does not diminish, but rather elevates him in my eyes." The young prince made no reply, though he seemed unconvinced by his sister's words. Since his return from exile, it had become his custom to fall into silence after short conversations, and Elia was genuinely uncomfortable with her brother's new habit. "You have nothing to worry about. Dragonstone or King's Landing, I will be safe either way."


Enjoying the sea air in the garden had been one of Alyssa Rivers' favorite activities since she was a little girl. Now, as she walked behind Rhaegar Targaryen, holding the flowing skirts of her new dress as instructed by the queen, she couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the garden. For far too long, the Red Keep had been a deserted place, except for the royal family and their staff, as per the king's wishes, of course. Alyssa wasn't sure which of these groups she belonged to, but all she knew was that she was grateful that Queen Rhaella was outside the palace after a long time. Since the birth of little Viserys, she had been reluctant to leave her son alone, but now she was happily walking through the gardens with Rhaegar on her arm, her ladies in waiting and Kingsguard following them.

"A day that will go down in history," Jon Conington, walking beside Alyssa, interrupted her thoughts in a cheerful voice. As one of Rhaegar's closest friends, he was part of the welcoming party for the prince's bride. From spending far too much time with him, thanks to Rhaegar of course, Alyssa knew him well and knew he couldn't go too long without speaking.

"Of course. We are on our way to greet the future queen."

"Too bad we hadn't brought Cersei Lannister with us, I would have liked to see the look on her face." he said as his lips twitched into a smile. His bright eyes were shining while his dark hair was flowing with the wind. Like Rhaegar, he refused to cut his hair unless he was forced to and the same rule seemed to apply for his face too, as he scratched his stubble. Alyssa's lips turned upwards with Jon's comment. The King's Hand and his daughter were not much liked by the people, and who could blame them? Tywin Lannister walked around the keep with looking down on everyone, displaying his power on the king and the realm, but at least he had the right to do so. His daughter Cersei, a young maiden at the age of six and ten, acted as she was the princess of the Seven Kingdom and was entitled to do whatever she wished. Perhaps it shouldn't give Alyssa too much pleasure to know Cersei's greatest wish was Rhaegar and she had to watch him marry a true princess.

"She's the only reason she's not here. The Queen invited her privately, but she said she would be busy welcoming her brother."

"Oh yes, with Tywin Lannister busy with the Small Council, she's the head of the family."

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