eda and Ewen

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Eda-See Yagmur is so our daughter
She booked as a table at a lovely Mexican restaurant
Ewen-She still remembers
Eda- Our first date was at a mexican restaurant
Ewen-I wish only the best for our child
Eda-Me too
So shall we ordered
Ewen-Surprise me
Eda-Fine Sir you'll see
She Whispered in the waiters ears...
Ewen-So why so mysterious
You'll see
Ewen-In that case I should probably give you this
Open up
Eda-Whats inside
My earing
Ewen-I kept it all those month's
That summer was the best
Ewen-see there is more too love
With you
A few minutes later
Waiter-Here you go sir
Ewen-Smile no you didn't
Eda-Wel I know my husband
Ewen-Dont we all
Eda-Laugh silly
Ewen-shall we eat together like back then
Eda-Umm but know Am a foodie now so don't be mad if I eat it all
I won't

The two of them yanked and laugh like they did on their first date.
Ewen kept on whispering beautiful things in Eda's ears..
And Eda kept on giving Ewen kisses ...
They eat for hours and finished 5 dishes per plate.
They were the last too leave restaurant
They walked hand in hand across the streets in London...
Kept on smiling..
Ewen even started singing and the two off them we're just in love..
Everyone could see
People kept on staring at them and smiling at them..
The one english couple said...

Eda-Ewen can I tell you sometime
Eda-I adore you
And Wel
I wrote you a letter back then may I read it
Ewen-Yeah read
Dear Ewen
Today I woke up with a smile a smile of love and joy..
Wel My friends can see it too
I wish I could tell you
I NEVER knew how powerful the word love is
How much joy and difference a happy heart could do..
My heart is more alive then ever.
I'll get married one day and you'll be my husband and the father of my children
I love you Ewen
My love
One day I'll read you this and by then I'll be yours forever
My love
Ewen-Come here Kiss
I love you forever
My dear wife...

What if Ender never met kayaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora