we all lie

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See I could tell the truth but what if the truth takes away all our happiness...
Coffee shop
Kaya- Daren we need to talk and be honest with each other
Do you really love Sahika
Daren-I do
Kaya-And Leyla
Daren-Wel Kaya too be honest I love Leyla but Shaika is lovely too
Kaya-So your love for Leyla and Sahika is different
DAREN- mom
Kaya-Look Daren I think you should be honest with Sahika and tell her
Daren-Kaya I'll be honest with sahika if Leyla agrees too my conditions...
Daren-You call her find out Kaya
Am leaving...

Kaya went and meet Leyla
Leyla-Kaya if it's about Daren Am not doing anything
Kaya-What are uou talking about Leyla
Leyla-Started too cry
Kaya he come here in the middle of the night and tried too stab me and he was very violent he wants me too marry him
And I can't Kaya went too hell back then
Kaya-I know
We need too help sahika
Leyla-We can but will she listen
Kaya-Remmber that video tape I kept it
Leyla-Great Kaya Smile
We can use it
We should inform ender
Kaya-Lets not sahika is like a sister too her and what if she gets involved
So what's the plan
Kaya and Leyla talked for hours...
Later they went too Daren and show him the video which shock Daren but then sahika come in and saw it all and started too cry she didn't know that Daren was such a monster
she kept crying and Kaya hugged his sister
Meanwhile Daren took Leyla and they left without them know...

Later that night....
Kaya and Ender  was sitting in the living room and then Ender said Kaya we need too talk...
Ender- Kaya I lied
Kaya- lied
Ender-Wel I have secret that needs too be share
I don't want too get married without telling it all
Ender- See I lied not because I wanted too I lied because I doubted our love and am sorry
Wel Kaya yigit is your son
He froze and didn't say anything and left and drove away with his car
Could this be bad

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