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I woke up to my soft, dreamy, warm blankets being pulled off me at the crack of dawn. May stood behind Alessandro, half asleep, clutching a large metal pale of water.

"Get up." Was all he said in a low voice, tossing my blankets to the end of my bed.

"But- It's-" Before I could complain further, he pulled me by my arm out of bed.

He tossed me a rag and nodded for me to follow him. I groaned, following behind them down the stairs to the second lounge. I cringed at how cold the marble floors were. 

May set the pale down with a thud.

"Why did I have to carry the pale down those stupid stairs." She whined, falling backwards onto the couch.

"Get up, you girls are going to scrub the floor, you have until 5:30 am to finish. Then I will give you another room to clean." He explained tossing May a rag.

"And if we don't finish then what?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then I'll make both of you clean every f*cking inch of this house with a toothbrush." He replied, glaring at her.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Her eyes widened, and she began dipping the rag into the bucket of soapy water.

"I'm going to make a coffee I'll check on you girls later." He muttered as he turned around and left the room.

As soon as he left, she threw the rag at me and laid onto the couch.

I furrowed my brows, and tossed the rag back at her, she didn't expect me to clean this whole room by myself, did she?

"Uhm no. I'm going back to bed you can clean you made this mess you fix it." She smirked, throwing the rag back at me. She reached for the TV remote and began flicking through different shows.

"What!? You're the one who agreed to come! You're going to get us in so much trouble if he sees you watching TV dumbass. He's going to make us clean the whole house if we don't finish in time!" I quietly yelled at her, making sure he couldn't hear us.

She rolled her eyes, "Better get cleaning then, this room is pretty dirty."

I shook my head at how stupid she was and began scrubbing the floor. My eyes wandered around the large room until they met with a door, a very important door, the door to the basement, the one I was forbidden to go near.

I walked over to where the tall door stood, the word 'Capo' was engraved onto a gold plaque over it, whatever that meant. I glanced back at May; she was cuddled up on to the couch with a blanket and watching a show. I bit my lip before turning the old white doorknob. 

I began walking down the steep stairs each one creaked as I did so, a long hallway greeted me at the bottom. There were millions of large portraits hung on the walls, they seemed to be of important people. I ran my finger against the gold frame, dust covered my trembling hands. These portraits were old, and rarely cleaned it seems, they all had dates and names at the bottom. At the end of the hallway a large double door stood. A keypad with numbers was next to it, sh*t I needed a code. My heartbeat raced, what was behind these doors? It couldn't be an office all of my brothers had an office upstairs. What was so important that sat behind these doors? I heard footsteps from upstairs, I bolted up the creaky steps and shut the door behind me.

Sweat trickled down my forehead, I grabbed one of the wet rags with my shaking hands and pretended to clean the floor.

Of course, when Alessandro walked in to check on us May was pretending to help too.

He took a seat on the couch with the coffee mug in his hand.

"Almost done I take it?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

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