On The Radio

188 1 0

SONG (if u want)
ok thx bye ✌️

"Here you go!" Alastor exclaimed, handing
you a red printed hardcover.

You looked at it, puzzled.

"Uh.. Thank you?" You looked down,
confused, as to why of all
things he gave you a book.

"No problem my dear!" He exclaimed summoning his staff, "It's one of my favorites and now you get to have it! Now if you'll excuse me, I must retire for the night. Goodnight my
dearest Y/N!" He said walking
out your door.

You looked down again at the book,
a light blush decorating your face as you
replay the radio demon's
words in your head.

One of his favorites huh..?

You smile as you turn to the first
page of the book, to which something immediately catches your eye.
A note.

"My dearest Y/N, don't let such
worthless scum ruin
that beautiful smile of yours.
Keep shining bright
my dear."
- Alastor

You then feel as your face begins to burn
up, was he... flirting?
You shake your head, no...
that's impossible.

But as you continued to turn the pages,
you discovered more and
more of these notes.

"There's nothing quite as
wonderful as your
puff pasteries Y/N..."

"Y/N! Today I discovered.."

"My dear, as soon as I saw you
I knew I had discovered
a fallen angel."

"You are worth so much
more than you realize my dear.
Don't ever forget that."

Tears begin to well up in your eyes
as you continue to read
through the radio demon's kind
heartfelt messages.

As you reach the last note, your
heart begins to flutter even more.

"Congratulations my dear! You
have reached the end of the
puzzle! Put these notes
together for a special surprise!"
- Alastor

P.S. Make sure to TUNE in. :)

You looked at the clock, it was 2:45am.
Tune in huh?

There was a total of 18 notes, the last one
being on page 181.

The cogs begin to turn in your brain as you
fiddle with your radio.
Static fading in and out as you changed
the channels.
"Cmon, cmon, 181...181."

Finally you come upon the
desired channel and turn up the volume.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
tonight we're playing only
the finest of songs here on Love FM.

Next up is a well known classic,
sang by the legend herself,
On the Radio by Donna Summer."

The smooth melodic intro pulled you
in, just the few keys of the piano
was enough to put your mind
and body at ease.

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