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One night, you and Alastor were just relaxing on your shared bed. The sounds of the fire
crackling in your fireplace accompanied by the sounds of a page being flipped through
his book filled the room.

You held back a yawn as you finish up writing your last report for the evening. After placing your pencil down you stretch silently, to which the radio demon takes note of.

"Are you done my dear?" He asked glancing up from his book for a moment.

"Yes.." You groaned, sprawling out on the rest of the bed, placing your head right
by his thigh.

A wave of silence soon filled the room. You couldn't help but admire the sight before you. Alastor's gaze locked in on the book he was reading, something about it was so sexy to you.

You then began to fixate on his lips, wanting so badly to kiss them. Then his ears.. and..

"Staring is considered rude you know."

You blushed, "Yeah well. I guess that makes me pretty rude." You chuckled.

Alastor took a moment to glance at you and smiled before patting his hand on his lap.

"Come here my darling." He smiled warmly.

You wiggled yourself into position and blushed at the thought of being close to...

"Don't get any weird ideas." He said almost reading your mind.


A few moments later, you were snuggly
cuddled up on the radio demon's
lap. His hands gently running through your
hair as he continued to read his

"Hey Al..." You say after a few moments.

"Yes my dear?"

"Well I just was wondering if I could..."
You trail off, looking in one specific

Alastor, stared at you confused at first, but he
then saw where you were staring and
simply chuckled.

"Not going to happen~" He said booping you on
the nose.

"Aw cmon!" You whined, "Just one touch!"
You said motioning with your
hands towards his ears.

He sighed, "Five seconds."

"Aw hell yeah!"
Without hesitation you reposition yourself
to where you were basically straddling
the radio demon.

"What the blazes?" He asks startled.

"I only got 5 seconds, I gotta get in
the right position!"
You say, starting to massage his ears.

"Wel— OH! OH~ Y/N... ah" The radio
demon winced, he was so caught off guard
by your soothing touch.

"You okay?" You ask.

"Yes, I just... wasn't expecting that.."
He replied quietly.

The two of you re-arrange yourselves to where
you were lying on your back with
the radio demon peacefully laying on your

He wraps his arms around your neck as you continue to massage his ears.

His slight moans of pleasure being the only
thing you could hear.

"R-right there.." He would say every so often,
or "a little bit more.."

You feel as the he buries his head completely in your chest. His body melted
into yours, as his breathing becomes slower and more relaxed as time went on.

How ironic
You thought to yourself

The big bad radio demon went soft...

You smile.
I can't deny, it is cute.

After a good 15 minutes or so, you notice that
he was remaining relatively still.

Pulling one of your hands away, you begin to slowly and carefully pet the deer demon's soft head as you took a glance.

Pulling one of your hands away, you begin to slowly and carefully pet the deer demon's soft head as you took a glance

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*internal screaming*

You blushed and immediately snapped
a few pics.
(blackmail yk)

Someone you were at first scared of,
was now here laying on your chest peacefully sleeping without a care in the world.

I've never seen him sleep so soundly

You sigh a sigh of relief, continuing to
soothingly brush through the demon's hair with his snores becoming more evident.

You smiled. I guess he's more tired than
the rest of us.

You feel as your eyes get heavier and heavier
and without even realizing, you
would eventually drift off to sleep, with the
radio demon continuing to sleep

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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