Greedy Royals

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 Chapter 1:                 Hi, my name is Marylin Daine.  I am apart of the royal family bloodline, I am turning 18 in two days, I will have to get married by next year, this may not seem like a problem but I have not figured out who to marry or where the wedding will be. There is much more planning beyond that. I have rejected everyone as I am waiting for someone who completes me. I have one person in mind but he has not came by yet. Every night I ask myself "Am I not pretty enough..?" Or " Is he not ready for this life yet? Should I move on?". I would hate to be a disgrace to my parents but yet, I found myself not caring for their opinions. I wanted to marry this man no matter what they had to say. 







"Marylin, dear! How are you?"  My mom exclaimed.  "I'm doing amazing! Thanks for asking!" I said glaring at my father.   "Don't look at me like that, you know why you're here so get to work Marylin. You're the future queen yet you act like a child." My father said. "Tom, we have something to discuss,  as a family." My mother said sounding threatening. I can admit I was scared in this moment wondering if she found out about my waiting game. My family was never perfect I knew my dad did not hate me, but he sure did talk down to me like he did. My mother always loved me she was my only happy place before I met him. No family is perfect but ours was expected to be as a royal family. "Paparazzi was spotted outside of the castle." My mom said sounding a little concerned. "Okay, and?" I stated. This happened so much I was not even surprised. "They are looking for your husband, they are expecting you to have one by now, if you don't have one our family name would be all over headlines, you would be a public joke." My father said quietly but quickly sounding a little embarrassed. Embarrassed.? By me.  This will be a long family meeting.


As I was walking back to my room I heard something. BOOM! I heard it again. Concerned I run to my room to look at what was happening. 


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