missed me?

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Yamashita Meiko smiled at Suoh Yuzuru as they shook hands.

"Welcome to Ouran High School, Meiko! I'm sure that Tamaki will be excited to see you!"

Meiko smiled happily as she bowed, "I can't wait to see him too, Mr. Suoh."

Yuzuru let out a boisterous laugh as he held his chest. "Oh, please! Just call me Yuzuru, Meiko! We're not strangers."

She closed her eyes with a grin, "Of course, Yuzuru."

The old man put his hands together in a loud clap that echoed through the big office that they stood in.

"Well, off you go! Someone should be waiting outside to escort you to class. Enjoy your day, Meiko!"

Lifting each side of the gigantic skirt of her yellow dress, Meiko set her right foot behind her left and bent her knees into a curtsy.

"Thank you, Yuzuru-san. Have a nice day."

Meiko stood straight and turned around, leaving the room. She let the fancy door close behind her before her face was immediately transformed into a scowl.

"Damn old man touching me..." She muttered in a bitter tone as she dug for hand sanitizer in her handheld purse. Finding it, she began covering her hands in the alcoholic liquid.

"My apologies. I must be interrupting."

Surprised, Meiko's head whipped around to find a familiar, monotone face watching her rub sanitizer onto her hands like lotion.

Seeing who it was, Meiko's surprised eyes relaxed in recognition. "Oh, it's you."

Ootori Kyoya stood behind her, holding that one black book in his arms. He maintained his cool and mannered expression despite the weird scene in front of him.

"A pleasure to see you too, Yamashita."

"Wish the feeling was mutual," Meiko scowled for the second time today. "You must be my guide so...guess I have to get along with you."

She sighed and put her hand sanitizer away before looking at Kyoya. "Lead the way, nerd."

Kyoya smiled, but even he couldn't hide his irritation. His eye twitched as he began walking, "Of course, spoiled brat."

Meiko glared as she watched him walk down the hall before deciding to keep up with his pace with a grumble and crossed arms.



Meiko and Kyoya arrived at class together and he gave her one of the fakest smiles she'd ever seen in her life.

"This will be the classroom that you will attend for the rest of the year. Lucky for you, Tamaki and I attend the same class as you." He spoke with his bland voice as he looked at her to observe her reaction. "You might get a chance to talk to him since the teacher hasn't arrived yet."

Upon hearing the familiar name, a sly smirk formulated on Meiko's lips and she slid open the door to be met with the sight of the unique-looking blond being surrounded by many girls.

A certain, dark aura surrounded Meiko as she approached the crowd with an innocent yet secretly irked smile.

Kyoya sighed and walked in after her to observe her next course of action, although he already knew what she was going to do.

The sea of thirsty teenage girls separated for the peeved girl, who stood out with her kinky hair and browner skin, as they watched her approach the main attraction.

Speaking of the main attraction. Suoh Tamaki's violet eyes widened in shock and his mouth parted as a gasp escaped his mouth.


She grinned, quite devilishly according to Kyoya, as she stopped in front of him. She placed her hand on his chest and immediately grabbed his tie, pulling him down to her height.

She slowly leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, eliciting a muffled scream from Tamaki and surprised gasps from the audience in the room.

Meiko pulled away with a satisfied grin and spoke slowly but steadily,

"Je t'ai manqué, chéri?"


645 words
This is the first book I have ever published. It was only on a whim and I really don't expect much from it.
Look at me finally using my French knowledge for something 😏✌🏾
And for godsake please make ohshc second season 😩🙏

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