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Whispers filled the halls as Fujioka Haruhi made her way to her after-school club.

"I heard someone say that she was a famous model in France and they met on the runway."

"I heard that she forced him into an arranged marriage."

Haruhi unexpectedly stopped and slightly turned to look in the direction of the gossiping girls.

The two girls noticed her stopping and jumped in surprise. A blush adorned their pale faces and they looked down in shame.

"Ah, Haruhi-kun! Did you hear the rumors?"

She then shook her head and replied, "No? What rumors?"

One of the girls got up and approached her with a smile, the embarrassment completely gone from her face.

"There was a second-year girl who randomly kissed Tamaki-kun on the lips! People are saying that she is his fiancée."

The other girl came from behind her and tears gathered in her eyes out of nowhere. "We lost a good one!"

Haruhi slowly nodded while the girls comforted each other and walked away with a dumbfounded expression.

"Fiancée? That guy? Never."


Once she approached the giant doors to her club room, Haruhi opened the doors and was bombarded with rose petals.

As usual.

Then the burning bright light.

As usual.

Then the Host Club members, also her friends.

As usual-

Nope. Scratch that.

This time, seated in Tamaki's velvet chair, was a brown-skinned girl, her most notable feature, with a teacup in her right hand and a saucer in the other.

"Oh. Welcome to Ouran's Host Club. How may I be of service?"

She spoke with a beautiful smile gracing her lips as if she were a member of the club.

"Uhm," Haruhi said, once again dumbfounded by this unusual greeting. "Who are you?"

The girl smiled and placed her tea cup onto the saucer in her lap.

"I am Yamashita Meiko. Fiancée of Suoh Tamaki. You are?"

Haruhi's eyes widened at her words in surprise.


Suoh Tamaki, the leader of the Ouran Host Club, came diving out of nowhere into the scene and stood in front of the girl.

"Darling, move aside so I can talk to the commoner." She smiled at the blonde boy, even though her demand had a differing, underlying tone.

Kyoya came out of nowhere as well and pushed his glasses up with a smile on his face. It was clear to everyone that he was amused by this scene. "Yamashita, meet our club's latest member, Fujioka Haruhi."

Haruhi slowly approached the girl with an outreached hand, as for a handshake.

Meiko pushed Tamaki out of the way to take in the image of the boyish girl in front of her. She mustered up her most precious grin as she stood up and encased Haruhi's hands with hers. "Nice to meet you, Haruhi-chan. I hope we can become good friends."

A soft blush adorned Haruhi's cheeks as Meiko smiled at her. 'She has a pretty smile...'

She nodded slowly, not taking in her words but more focused on her features.

Tamaki sulked to the side and Kyoya patted his shoulder with condolences. "My daughter is falling for her charms..."

"So, uhm, how did you meet Tamaki?" Haruhi asked both girls were still holding hands and staring at each other's faces as they ignored all their surroundings.

Meiko smiled and pulled her alongside her to a separate table. "Tamaki and I's engagement was arranged by our parents at a young age. When we both still lived in France."

Meanwhile, Meiko and Haruhi were engaging in polite conversation, the other unmentioned club members were curious and went to their leader for answers.

The infamous, and quite incestuous, twins surrounded Tamaki with wide grins on both sides as he mumbled to himself and moped on the floor.

"So, boss, wanna explain why you never told us about your fiancée?"


wattpad wont tell me how many words but whatever
thank you for reading my first chapter 🫶🏾
at first I thought of this as an experiment but maybe I'll keep going
who knows?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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