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***The Ark***

The news of Abby's execution didn't get very far before Jaha pardoned her, and Callie walked through the halls of Alpha Station on her way to Earth Monitoring Station. She was desperate to know if Delyn was ok, and she hadn't received any news on the girl.

Kane's presence was difficult for Callie to bear, especially in the aftermath of his attempt to condemn Abby to death. Callie was acutely aware of the strained relationship between Kane and Abby, a mutual antipathy that seemed to intensify with each passing day.

Abby, in her own way, had directed her concerns towards Delyn, harboring unwavering confidence that Delyn was destined to follow the same troubled path as Liliana. However, Kane and Callie held a different perspective. They understood Delyn's emotional stability far better than Abby did. While it was true that Delyn had faced her fair share of breakdowns, exhibited symptoms of bipolar depression, and occasionally withdrew into herself, she possessed a profound self-awareness.

Unlike Lily, who suffered in silence, unable to express her needs, Delyn demonstrated a keen understanding of when she required assistance. It was this fundamental difference in their ability to communicate and seek help that set Delyn on a more hopeful trajectory, setting her apart from Lily's tragic journey. Callie took solace in knowing that Delyn possessed the resilience and intelligence that her mother had lacked.

"How's Addelyn doing?" one of the guards, Sergeant Harris, asked Callie once she got to Earth Monitoring Station. Callie gazed at the girl's tile. While Harris had garnered respect as a guard, Callie had always harbored a disapproval of the disparaging remarks he often made regarding Delyn. She chose to disregard the sergeant's presence, silently willing him to carry on with his conversation. "Honestly, I feel like if she died down there, it would be best for everyone."

That was the final straw that ignited Callie's protective instincts. Her tenacious commitment to Delyn's well-being had always been a cornerstone of her character, and Harris's comment was a line she refused to allow him to cross. Fueled by a surge of anger and concern for Delyn, Callie couldn't hold back any longer.

In a voice quivering with intensity, she confronted the guard, making it abundantly clear that his comment was unacceptable. But when Harris remained stubborn and unapologetic, Callie's frustration boiled over. With a swift, determined motion, she clenched her fist and directed it squarely in his direction, a powerful physical gesture reflecting her unwavering dedication to protecting Delyn.

As additional guards arrived to intervene and separate Callie from Harris, she made no resistance. Her sole concern had been Harris's hurtful comment, and she had acted out of an overwhelming need to defend the girl she regarded as her own daughter.

However, Callie understood that actions, even those taken with the best of intentions, came with consequences. In the eyes of the authorities, her actions were no different from any other instance where someone crossed the line. It was a stark reminder that, regardless of her motives, she was subject to the same rules and repercussions as anyone else who stepped out of line within the community.

As Callie stood there, facing the unforgiving cold of the airlock, her voice trembled with emotion as she uttered her heartfelt plea. "Kane, make sure Delyn knows I love her," she implored, the words weighted with the deep love and concern she held for the girl she considered her own. In that somber moment, every fiber of her being yearned for Delyn to understand the depth of her affection and the sacrifices she was willing to make to protect her.

Kane, too, couldn't help but be moved by the sincerity and raw emotion in Callie's plea. He knew he couldn't change the course of events, but he made a solemn promise to deliver Callie's message to Delyn when their paths crossed again. In his eyes, the weight of the message was not lost, and he understood the significance it held for both Callie and Delyn.

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