02 - Attention, My Guilty Pleasure

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Streets - Doja Cat


No friends?

No worries.

You're just like Sunoo.

But...his reason is far worse...

You may think it's just silly old Sunoo, being 'over sociable' and 'unbearably happy'

You're wrong.

It is quite the complete opposite.

At first glance, Sunoo would seem like your average, humble, supportive, and approachable homosexual with at least 12 cardigans in their closet.

But deep down, he's a connoisseur of the dire things in life.

Ask anyone from his college about his background for the past 2-3 years of wandering around the campus.

Trust me, not one positive thing can be said about him.

From purposed break ups to full-on stalking, Sunoo's the person with expertise in that field.

You may ask why.

Honestly, no one knows.

But what they do know is that consciousness satisfies the bag of wind.

A boastful claptrap

Attention, his guilty pleasure.

The in-depth feeling of knowing that you've marked a place in someone's heart and mind that will never go away made Sunoo pleased.

He didn't mind ruining people's lives, he didn't even care.

It doesn't matter if the outcome is positive or negative, but by no matter, he'll still get the attention he enjoys.

Suicides, to false drawbacks, he's seen it all.

His mind is as corrupt as his actions, yet he never fails to do so. Conquer

Conquer anything in his path.

Big, small, wide, thin, he's unstoppable.

Too unstoppable.

To the point he had two restraints filed against him, he was charged with a Class C felony.

5 years sentence and a 13.5 billion KRW fine?

Never heard that before, well maybe because Sunoo was able to get away with it.

It's his under-covered secret weapon.

It's like a lethal armament, once one is affected, the blame spreads like wildfire till every single person is a part of the said case. With the fear of being in Sunoo's business, many people try to avoid every grain of problem that comes their way.

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