Chapter 2

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Lizzie and Jane were chatting away merrily, leaving Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy to discuss other matters. Mr. Darcy looked at Mr. Bingley with curiosity. His friend's smile seemed brighter than usual. Mr. Darcy asked him, "what amuses you my friend?" Mr. Bingley replied happily, "nothing amuses me, it's just that Jane is with child." Mr. Darcy was very surprised indeed. "Congratulations my friend."

Lizzie and Jane talked for what seemed like hours. Lizzie listened patiently while Jane went on and on about the house and the yard. Then Jane looked at her and smiled. She then proceeded to say, "Lizzie, Charles and I are expecting a child." Lizzie was stunned, "really? Are you certain?" Jane nodded enthusiastically. Lizzie smiled even more, they then started to talk about the baby.

Dinner was an eventful affair, the food looked delicious and everyone was happy. Lizzie had the same nauseous feeling she had weeks before, she felt as if she was about to vomit. She stood up suddenly and everyone stared at her. "I'm going to retire to my quarters for the night." Lizzie said shakily. She stumbled across the floor, then collapsed. She immediately emptied her stomach contents and then fainted.

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