Chapter 3

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Authors Note
I want to thank you for all the comments I've gotten, it helps me figure out what I need to do better! So thank you!!!

Darcy paced in front of his wife's sick room patiently. The Bingley's were waiting patiently outside the door. The doctor was taking what had seemed like hours to try to diagnose Mrs. Darcy's condition.

"Darcy, sit down. You're making everyone very dizzy with all your pacing about," Mr. Bingley stated.

"I'm sorry my friend, but what if something is truly wrong? I just can't sit around and wait," replied Darcy.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, Mrs. Darcy was perfectly fine. They would soon know that the fall was caused by something else, other than illness.

After what seemed like another hour of sitting about, the doctor finally had some news. The Doctor called Mr. Darcy over to tell him the joyous news.

There was no horrible disease or illness, no none of that. In fact it was a happy occasion for everyone. Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy was not dying, she was with child.

Authors' Note
Sorry for no update!!! I was looking through Wattpad today and found that this was my highest read story!! So of course I had to update! Hope you all like it! Kudos to the people that guessed this way before I updated!! Thanks again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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