¿What if Iron Man fled to Sakaar?

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Tony Stark has seen death before but now that Ultron was defeated thanks to the combined efforts of the Avengers he realized how empty he felt as a few meters away from him sat a grieving Wanda Maximoff because she had just lost her brother having taken everything away from her and now he was the reason her brother was dead. He had created Ultron so he had to bear the blame for this as Tony could not stand the pain anymore and the number of people Ultron had killed in his plans to raise Sokovia into the sky and crash it into the Earth was just unbearable. Even if people did not directly blame him for the events he knew it was only a matter of time as he closed his eyes, powered up his suit and flew away. The Hulk had just finished watching a live video sent to him from Natasha but as soon as she began to speak he turned off the screen because he could not afford to hear her voice and let Banner out. As he sat in the Quinjet he wondered where this unimpressive machine would take him to but was shocked how the doors of the Quinjet opened and Tony stepped in. "Sorry buddy but you'll heal" Tony chuckled and immediately blasted Hulk out of the Quinjet. The last thing Hulk saw as he flew away was Tony shutting the doors of the Quinjet while the Avengers sat in the room contemplating on their current predicament Steve sat at the center and his head bowed. A few meters away from him was Wanda who looked increasingly worried as well the rest of the Avengers who wore similar expressions but the only people absent from the meeting were Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner. Ever since the war against Ultron they had kept their promise to each other and run away together starting a life in an undisclosed location. Right now the Avengers were wondering what decision to take now that the United Nations were on them and there was pressure to sign the Sokovia Accords which would only subject their every move to monitor an international panel. It was quite disturbing but perhaps what bothered them the most was the apparent disappearance of Tony Stark since the war against Ultron as according to Banner he had borrowed the Quinjet and fled becoming untraceable. Helmet Zemo was disturbed by the man's stubbornness as this man had refused to give him information on the 1991 assassination and this disturbed him exceedingly. Since he wasn't going to give in Zemo decided that it was best to end him at once as leaving the tub on would be a nice way to die but before he could carry out the ACT a black figure attacked him knocking him to the ground and the figure pulled off her hoodie revealing himself to be Natasha. Before he could speak Natasha revealed that she had been looking for Tony Stark for the past few months since he fled and during her search she had got wind of Zemo's suspicions and his activities including his act of killing the Hydra scientists that worked on the Super Soldier Program and his interest in the Winter Soldier Program. With a gun pointed at Zemo Natasha noted that now he was going to help her find Tony Stark or she would turn him over to Nick Fury. The following year in 2016 Natasha stood in the circle in her attempts to search for the God of Thunder which had worked this time as she had been trying to reach him ever since Ultron while Banner had arrived with some interesting news which revealed that a apparent search made them discover that Tony was sucked into a wormhole and eventually teleported into another realm. This was why he needed Thor's help and Natasha smiled when Thor stepped out of the light. She quickly explained that Natasha had interrupted his quest for the Infinity Stones as whatever region she had to do it it better be a good one but Natasha answered by noting that she had an idea of where Tony was and she needed his help. After a while of consulting with the gatekeeper of the Bifrost Thor was able to locate Tony to Sakaar as holding Natasha Banner and Zemo he was able to transport all of them to Sakaar. One look at Sakaar and the source signed the place looked like a garbage dump. To make matters worse the ship arrived and dangerous humanoid beings stepped out immediately. They captured Thor and his friends in a net. Before these beings could attack a ship suddenly entered the atmosphere opening itself to reveal a drunk Valkyrie who was able to rescue them using her amazing weaponry as Thor, Natasha, Zemo and Banner could not hide their shock. They were brought to the new king of Sakaar and before them was Tony Stark who had a nice smirk with an odd set of clothes. Tony laughed and immediately ordered them to be released quickly giving Natasha a hug when she asked what happened. He said that he found his way to this place with a lot of intellect and he had deposed the original king of Sakaar with his intellect. Now he was living the best life he could ever have hoped for as Natasha was pained at this but she noted that everyone back on Earth was going through a lot and they desperately needed Tony. He was here living a life that didn't belong to him as Banner also appeared disappointed and walked out with her. Nevertheless Tony did not flinch as Thor stepped out of the room and only Zemo and Tony remained. Tony immediately noted that the multitude of resources had allowed him to watch a lot of his friends back on Earth but that was how he knew Zemo was after the perpetrator of the 1991 assassination and Tony revealed that he knew Barnes was responsible for the assassination of his parents as they were the victims. When Zemo questioned why Tony had not yet acted Tony only smiled and said he needed the right champion. Outside Thor was shocked to feel electricity coursing through his veins as he fell with a thud but Natasha tried to intervene and suddenlyValkyrie stepped into the scene knocking Natasha out. Seeing his lover hurt Banner immediately transformed into the Hulk but before the Hulk could attack he was subdued by several forces and Tony stepped outside noting that to come against Banner the Avengers would be against him as he would be acting out of revenge. Thus he needed the right army and now with Zemo's help he was going to figure out how Hydra brainwashed Bucky Barnes. He was going to brainwash Natasha, Thor and Hulk to be his puppets. Then he would chase after Barnes and end anyone who tried to stop him.

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