What is love?

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A/N this isn't really an imagine it's more of a feeling dump from me that I kind of mixed Taylor into. Anyways, hope u enjoy xx

What is love?

It's maybe the most asked question.

What. Is. Love?

Well, love is dangerous.

Love is blind.

Love is the fear of the unknown.

Love is letting someone see the darkest parts of yourself.

Love is understanding.

Love is pure.

Love is finally letting someone in.

Love is leaning on someone and letting them lean on you.

Love is vulnerable.

Love is scary.

It's so scary.

It's terrifying to be vulnerable with someone and show them your true colours.

It's terrifying to be loved but it's also terrifying to love.

Terrifying that you give every piece of yourself to someone who could take it away in one moment.

That's what makes love so scary, the fear of the unknown.

It's the fear of opening up and letting them see you with the chance that they could run.

But when they don't, and they stay, it's pure.

True love is rare.

You hear about it in movies and read about it in books but you never think that it actually exists, because how is it possible to love and be loved by one person for the rest of your life?

It's possible.

It's possible to love someone every day for the rest of your life, even if they don't love you back.

Because love doesn't fade into nothing. It stays with you, follows you everywhere, everything reminds you of them.

The smell of something.

The way a stranger laughs in the street.

The rain.

Literally anything.

People always ask: how do you know you're in love?

It's simple, comes down to one thing really:

True individuation and self-discovery.

You discover so many things about yourself when you're in love, it's almost as if your whole mind is rewired.

Love is adoration.

But is love a choice or a feeling?

It can be both.

You choose to let that person in, to share yourself with them, but the love you feel with them isn't a choice. It's a force that consumes your entire body all at once.

Being in love is a feeling of constant...butterflies, if you want.

It's just so...addicting.

And to you, that's what Taylor is.

She's all of those things and she makes you feel all of those things.

Loving Taylor and being loved by her is the scariest and the best thing to ever happen to you.

Loving Taylor is dancing around the living room with no music.

It's baking cookies and throwing flour at each other, ending with the entire kitchen covered with ingredients.

It's staying up all night and listening to her write and record.

It's sharing intimate moments together.

It's kissing in the rain.

It's also petty little arguments.

It's feeling disappointed.

It's lonely.

But no matter the pain you feel from her love, you know it's not real.

Her love is true and pure and she would never intentionally hurt you, you know that because you trust her.

Love is trust.

Taylor loves you.

She'd walk the earth and all the planets to get to you.

She'd fight anyone who got in her way.

She'd stop at nothing to make you feel her love for every second that she's breathing.

Taylor loves you, she showed you what true love is and what it feels like, and now that you've felt it? You never want to lose it.

If someone asked you a year ago: what is love? You wouldn't have an answer for them, or you would tell them it's just a feeling.

But now, when they ask you that, your answer is simple.

Love is Taylor.

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