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I lift Tom's arm off my body carefully, going to the closet. I needed to get out and finish my kills.

I just needed to be done with them, so I can join and be co-leader with Tom, before I start popping babies out left and right.

Well, popping a baby out.

I walk into the closet, careful with the sound my feet could make I walk over to the section that had my jeans, pulling out a pair of black baggy jeans.

I got a black lacy halter top, pairing them together. They matched perfectly well, black and black.

I grab my boots that have a little bit of a heel on them, putting my socks on before putting them on, I run to the restroom, brushing out my hair.

I slick it back into a bun, I couldn't deal with my hair being all over the place while I was trying to kill someone, that just wouldn't work.

I start to walk out the bathroom, being light on my feet so the clicking noise from my heels wouldn't produce.

I look over to Tom, who's knocked out. 

I walk over to my bedside drawer, grabbing a gun and Tom's pocket knife. You never know!!

I close our bedroom door gently, going to check on Aliyah and make sure she was sleeping. I peek my head in cracking her door a little bit. Perfect, she was asleep.

I grab Tom's car keys, I twist the doorknob softly, not letting any noise escape from it.


I decided, i'd just go to six different alleyways, that's all I needed was six kills. So i'd just go to all the alleyways in town, pick a random person from each one and go home. Easy peasy and not stressful.

I walk into my first alleyway, I could feel a pair of hands touch my shoulder, they were rough and had a tight grip. I whip my head around, looking at who was touching me. "Should a pretty lady like you be walking down these streets at the middle of the night."

"Fuck off." I brush his hand off my shoulder. "No can do sweetheart." He walks closer to me, I pull my gun out my purse, aiming at it him.

"Now can you fuck off? Sweetheart?" I mimic him, turning my voice deeper.

"Woah!" He starts to run away, saving me a couple glances as he turned, was running away in straight line, how pathetic. Couldn't even try to run for your life.

I aim my gun against his body, not caring where i'd hit, he wouldn't get a hospital in this area. So either way he'll die, whether it's quick and easy or long and painless. I cock my gun, placing my hand on the trigger. I could see his body jolt back.

Sending him into the ground.

I snicker walking back to the car, that was already one kill done.


My six kills, we're over long ago. I couldn't stop, I felt the blood coursing through my veins, it's like being high, on life. The fact that you're the one living.

As long as you're the one who's alive, who should care about the victim? I certainly didn't, not anymore.

I go inside the bar, just waiting for someone to come over and spike my drink, do something.

I could see a tall slender man, walk towards me. He had started to flirt with me, I kept looking away at the paintings, the bartender. Making myself an easy target.

I look back to my drink, the fizzyness had overtaken on top. He had attempted, just as I planned.

"Why don't you take me back to your hotel room? Hmm?" I smile. "You're not gonna finish your drink?" The man tilts his head at me. "Nope! Let's go!" I grab his hand, dragging him out the bar.

"Woah, slow down lil mama." He laughs, fucking disgusting. Thank god i'm killing him.

"Do you have a car?" I ask looking around, I bet he didn't.

"Oh! It's in the repair shop so at the moment no." Just as I thought, which was also perfect in regards to my plan. "Oh, okay let's just take mine then." I say.


I walk inside the hotel room with him, the unfamiliar man tries to pull me into a kiss, I lift my knee up slightly, jolting a sting in-between his legs.

I kneed him in the balls.

"What was that for!" He groans, holding his pelvis. "For trying to take advantage of me." I pull Tom's pocket knife out, holding it just below his chin.

"No, please I didn't mean to." He shakes his head, my knife grazes his neck, every time he moved.

I run my knife against his throat, slashing it. I could see his body fall to the floor, kill twenty, done.

I finally felt satisfied with myself, and decided to go home. It was the weekend, no need to wake up for school, thank god.

It was about to be 4AM.

I hop down the balcony of the hotel, making my way to my car, we were on the first floor so all I had to do was jump over to railing.

I quickly drive off, finding myself back at home within fifteen. minutes, I run up the stairs, going to the door I unlock it, twisting the knob gently again. Careful to not make sound, I bet Aliyah and Tom were still asleep.

"Where the hell have you been."

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