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"Gigi.." Tom whispers in my ear, kissing my neck. "Hmm." I hum tiredly. "I have a surprise for you." He smiles against my neck. "What is it?" I turn my head to him, my eyes were about to close shut.

"Get ready and you'll find out." He smiles, giving me a kiss on the lips. "If it's a bad surprise i'm killing you." I say getting up.


"Is this fine?" I ask, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing baggy low rise jeans, with a pair of Tom's Calvin Klein boxers, the waist band slightly showing with a white tube top, my belly was starting to show so it shined that off.

"You're glowing!" Tom looks at me, mesmerized.

"What?" I ask in confusion. "Your stomach, it's showing." He smiles putting his hands on my waist. "Oh yeah." I sway my hips, showing off my belly.

"Okay, here is your first clue." Tom pulls out a notecard from his pocket. "What the fuck." I look him up and down and back at the notecard.

"Just read it, and you'll get your hints." Tom holds my hand. "Is this like a scavenger hunt or what?" I laugh.

"Yes, it's exactly that." Tom nods.


"I am white, I need the fridge to keep me cool. Drink me while i'm hot and you may start acting like a fool." I read the note out loud.

"Tom, these are some really shitty rhymes." I snicker. "Oh my god, I had to wake up at 6 am for this. Just appreciate it." Tom replies annoyed.

"Fine, it's milk." I roll my eyes walking over to the fridge, I move the milk, looking behind it I see a note card and Tom's keys.

"Get in the car, cause we're going out!" It says. "This doesn't even fucking rhyme." I say. "Does it all have to rhyme?" Tom sighs putting his shoes on.

"I guess not." I shrug grabbing his keys. I run down the stairwell quickly, exiting the apartment.

I place the keys in the ignition starting the car, Tom catches up, opening the driver seat door. "Nope i'm driving you're riding passenger." Tom says.

I sigh hopping over the seat, into the passenger seat.

"I told you that's bad for the baby, stop it!" Tom whines. "My body, my choice." I smile.

"OUR baby, OUR body." Tom says. "No it's my body!" I dig my index finger into my chest. "When you're carrying my child, it's not just yours." Tom replies, pulling out the driveway.

I sigh, leaning back in my seat. "Hey give me a tissue from the glove box will ya?" Tom points to the glovebox. "For a kiss, I will." I turn my head to him.

"Baby, i'm driving." Tom says, focused on the road. "You're literally still in the parking lot, give me a kiss right now." I say, sternly.

Tom grabs my face, placing a firm kiss. "Get the napkins now please." He laughs, looking back to the road. I open the glovebox, fishing for some napkins.

"Oh look, it's another notecard. Such a surprise." I snicker unfolding it.

"You're getting your nails done, buckle up." The notecard says. "EEEK!" I scream.

"Woah! Calm down lil mama." Tom laughs. "Don't ever fucking call me that again, also that didn't rhyme. Another also, i'm so excited!" I jitter my feet, smiling.

"Do they all have to rhyme, lil mama?" He teases. "I'm gonna jump out this car. Stop it." I glare at him.

"What's your issue with the name lil mama." He looks me up and down, before looking back to the road. "Okay, sassy. But, anyways the guy I killed, he tried to spike me, and he called me lil mama." I explain.

"You think everything I do is sassy! You tell me you think my 'Gun is pink' like six times in a day!" Tom throws his hands up, before quickly putting them back on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, i'm concerned about that." I sigh, nodding.


"Could I get red french tips please." I smile to the nail tech, giving her the red color I had picked out. "Oh wow, such a beautiful color." She nods.

"Thank you!" I squeal, holding Tom's hand. "You're so excited, it's weird." He laughs. "You just never take me out for things like this, it's exciting!" I start to jitter my feet again. "I gotta treat my baby mama!"

"Stop with the mama." I glare, once again.

"No, it's cute. You're just a hater." Tom glares back.

"Treat me, but don't call me that." I shake my head. "So I can't call you mama but you can call me daddy Kaulitz?" Tom rubs his nose, looking away.

"Stop this madness, I'd never say that." I shake my head. "Yeah okay, mama." Tom takes my hand, kissing my knuckle as the nail tech files the other one. 

I snatch my hand back. "Sassy." Tom scoffs.

"You're the sassy one." I raise one brow at him, giving him a weird stare. "You look like Bill right now."

"Well, Bill is hot! So im taking that as a compliment!" I stick my tongue out at him. "Did you just call my brother hot?" Tom tilts his head.

"YOU'RE TWINS." I put my hand against my head, making an explosion sound.

"Yeah, but i'm the better one." Tom smiles brightly. "You keep telling yourself that Thomas." I sigh, giving her my other hand.

"I will, great thanks." He nods.

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