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Seungmin was left alone. Felix and Jisung had went to the store picking up things. Jeongin was ordered to go to his room as he was not good condition.

It was only Seungmin in this darkness. Even himself was scared to be left alone.


Seungmin quickly turns off his phone and looks at the door.


There it was again. The knocking continued.. Jisung, Felix and Jeongin never knocked and if they then they would say their name right away.

Seungmin stared at door unable to move from his bed as his leg was injured.


Seungmin covered his mouth so he wouldn't make no noise at all.

A male nurse had entered. He had black hair, tall and had a... mask.

Seungmin looked at the nurse in confusion. No nurse that had taken care of Seungmin had a mask on. Seungmin watched him as he was getting a injection ready.

"I-im sorry but where is the other nurses?" The taller slightly smirked under the mask. Seungmin just waited for answer.

The male nurse let out a chuckle as he had his back turned the other way. He took out his mask.

Seungmin recognized the laugh, his eyes widen as the taller turned around now facing the younger.

"hai my love, ready to be discharged?" Seungmin's face was filled with fear.

"w-what are you here!" Hyunjin smiled and pinned the other down onto the bed. "taking my husband home what else darling?"

"I'm not going no where with you!" Seungmin yelled as he tries to get out of the taller's grip. Hyunjin careless his face.

"It's not a choice honey! You're coming with me whether you like it or not!" He puts a grip on Seungmin's jaw making the younger wince in pain.

Seungmin began to tears up as he couldn't take the taller of him. "You're hurting me!"  Hyunjin's eyes soften as he saw the younger trembling.

Seungmin flinched once he saw the other's hand. He had thought that the killer would beat him.

Hyunjin glared at the wall.

Seungmin's mom had been abusing him.

Hyunjin knew that she could no longer do that to the poor boy anymore. He was the one who killed her but not even Seungmin knew that she had died in his hands.

Seungmin didn't know disappearances of his mother. He thought that she had left again since the argument.

Hyunjin seeing the other in such condition made him mad. He was once in this situation with his own mother.

𝙏𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙆 𝙊𝙍 𝙏𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏Where stories live. Discover now