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Since this is an AU Story here is a list of what will be different

-This will be a Human AU

-In this story I have made Gravesfield the most populous city of Connecticut along with it being the capital of the state With an Approx. Pop of around 1.500.000 people

-So basically Caleb and Evelyn had hunter with Caleb's brother Philip taking care of him after they died in a car crash with Evelyn being the youngest sister with Eda as the middle and Lilith as the oldest 

Ages Hunter - 27    Luz - 24   Willow - 25   Gus - 22   Amity - 24   Eda - 52  Philip - 68   Raine - 48   Boscha - 25

-Hunter will be suffering from being a Highly Functioning Alcoholic along with Emotional, Psychological and Psychical Trauma and Crippling Scars (The scars will be canon up to S2 pre-possession) And not to mention He will suffer from Constant self-harm along with being stubborn and unwilling to back downAlso his drink of choice will be Whiskey but I will take suggestions

-Amity will suffer from Alador who isn't really involved and Odalia being a controlling bitch who is trying to get Amity to be favorable towards her in her Policing . Also the Twins are going to be Professors at the University of Gravesfield with Edric as a Professor of Zoology and Emira as a Professor of Economics And the twins are going to be laid back but smart

-Luz will have Camila as a supportive and trying mom who accidentally got the message across that luz being weird is bad With luz having the problems of Childhood bullying and a self loathing/hatred complex (like myself)

-Gus will be suffering from Death of a parent, in this case his mom with the problem of a Dad who wants the best for his child but forces his son to overachieve in school 

-Willow Will be suffering homophobia due to her openly pan stance and her parents being a gay couple Also she will be plagued by Childhood bullying and others thinking poorly of her

-Vee will be the most sane of the main crew with her cafe co-owned with her Partner Masha called "The Gilded Owl's House" which has the Best pastries and coffee in west Gravesfield, Vee's only problems are homophobia due to masha being non-binary

-Eda will instead of suffering from the Curse will suffer from crippling Depression And having her first love aka Raine leave her due to their differences and simply growing apart

-Lilith instead of working for the governments law enforcement like every AU she is going to be Minister for Justice (I'm Canadian so going off internet searches i'm assuming how the us state government works) and Lilith was a Lawyer before working up the legal ladder and Suffers from mother issues and her sister splitting off 

-Raine will be a professional violinist who suffers from Crippling Depression and forced Ties to the Russian Mafia in Gravesfield

-Boscha will be a spoiled bully who dated hunter for a year when they were both in their really early twenties but hunter broke up cause she is a bitch, now she works as a barista at the local Starbucks who everyone hates but the boss won't fire

(536 words)

(Note writing will be difficult due to a tricky divorced parents schedule along with my laptop which is the only device I can write on Being taken away for a week before so writing might be Difficult)

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