Chapter 2

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Hunter POV 

Everyone else was eating lunch so I grabbed my lunch and went to join them

I was eating a piece of bread and drinking my flask of whiskey since I spent the past 3 days without lunch so I figured it was time to eat some lunch, Luz was having some beans and rice dish, Amity was eating some ramen, Willow some rice and fried spam, Gus some sandwich and Eda was eating a simple cream of mushroom soup

Eventually me and willow sat together with luz who began to talk to us about her family and how she had the best sister who ran the local cafe the Gilded Owls House which had the best pastries

Eventually some green haired women came along and began to talk to willow

the green haired witch introduced

Since Hunter and Willow had returned, me and everyone else decided to begin eating so I wiped out my beans and rice dish that I had made which was extremely delicious and very easy to make, I then began to chat with willow which resulted in us hitting it off immediately mostly ranting about our interests of fantasy and plants

Eventually some green haired person came along and began to talk down to willow calling her rude names and such with the conversation following as such

Amity "Oh hello willow"

Willow "Hey amity.."

Amity "You should of tried harder when it came to becoming a sergeant willow, but they only choose good recruits to promote"

Willow responded "Amity just stop, no one cares"

Amity then responded in a snarky tone "But willow I care that you push yourself to do better, as top sergeant it is my duty to make sure everyone does their top job"

Willow then responded "Whatever Amity"

I then remembered when I first met amity when she was hired during my 3rd year of service and she was very annoying and snarky, constantly questioning everyone's authority except Eda's and she just was mean to everyone new and was able to rise through the ranks thanks to family ties and rigid protocol following

I eventually got up since I was in my memories, amity was just tearing into willow even more and into luz as well

So I decided to Intervene and said "Always the green haired bitch that talks but never acts" just loud enough so that amity could hear me

She then whipped her head around before walking towards me and saying "Who might you be beat up blonde?"

I then clapped back with "And yet a know it all, family relying, using family ties, do it all bitch wants to talk"

I then got up and said loud enough so that everyone could hear "Why do you wonder why you have no friends when its ugly face stares at you in the mirror, aka you"

Everyone just stared at me before going into shocked reactions

Amity then huffed and said "Do you realize that you just talked shit to your superior, also lunch break is almost over" before leaving in a rushed manner"

Then willow and luz got up and pulled me into a tight squeeze so I panicked and quickly tried to escape while asking "What is this squeeze thing"

Willow just stared at me in disbelief before saying "It's a hug, do you not know what hugs are hunter?"

I just looked at her blankly before saying "A what?"

Just as Willow said that, Eda came up to me and Luz and proceeded to hand us an investigation which needed us to head to some local convenience store which was robbed

I got up and turned to luz who said "Let's go hunter!" 

I begrudgingly put on my coat along with grabbing my gun and badge before joining Luz in her police cruiser driving to the scene before arriving 5 minutes later with Luz introducing herself to the main security which I did shortly after

Eventually the store owner stumbled to us before explaining the situation to give us a statement

He became to speak "It was like any other day of business, but then this suspicious fellow came inside, she was around 5'7ft exact, looked like she was about 200 pounds and was white, she wore a bubbly fall jacket which was black and had a bright green bucket hat on, she then went up to me before pulling out a gun and demanding the cash in the register which I complied with and then she left"

I then asked him "How do you know she was around 5'7ft?" 

he responded "I have a heigh measurer on my door, the heigh went to about 5'7ft"

I then remarked by saying "She sounds like my ex" before asking him "Do you have any security cameras?"

He quickly responded "Yes of course! I got them for this exact reason"

He then asked "Why do you have bandaging on your left hand?" Which I just shrugged off

I then wrote all this done before he quickly told me something

"I forgot to mention she took a bite of my sandwich so some DNA must of been left" 

I then told all of this to luz before heading inside the store and bagging the sandwich I then asked her if we could drive back to the station to which she agreed so we drove back

I then began to talk to luz about what to do

I told her "Alright Luz, I need you to talk to Gus about the security camera's while I go talk to willow about the DNA sample"

She then agreed before heading to Gus's desk while I head into the lab to talk to willow

I eventually reached the lab before trying to get in, then realizing it was locked, then I furiously knocked to try and get in before willow noticed me and let me in

She then asked "Hunter, what were you trying to do?"

I responded "Trying to get into the lab and talk to you"

She then said "About what silly?"

I blushed and went slightly red at the comment before regaining my composure and saying to her

"So basically the women behind the crime supposedly took a bite of the store owners sandwich and since I have it, I was wondering if you could check it for DNA"

She then laughed for some reason before telling me "Alright I will do it"

(I'm not sure how they extract DNA so I'm basing this off my internet research)

Willow then did some fancy process with the sandwich which extracted the DNA, thanks to me not knowing anything about this, I had no idea what was going on besides the DNA was being extracted from the sandwich

After 20 minutes of just hanging around and waiting for it to finish I commented "This criminal sounds like my Ex, extremely dumb and never thinks"

Then Luz and Gus busted into the room looking like they had just ran across the entire building and then Luz said "Hunter! We have via reviewing security footage together, found out the robber had magenta dyed hair and her wallet had the first name Boscha!"

I then began to internally panic and think to myself "It can't be, It just can't, My fucking Ex robbed a convenience store and now they are probably going to beg me to bail them out or some stupid shit"

Then Luz interrupted my internal panic by asking me "Are you ok hunter?"

I then began to calm down as I asked "Did you catch the last name?"

Gus then proudly said "Yea! It's Clement"

I then responded "Oh fuck it's my Ex"

(1230 Words)

(Cliff hanger? Lol anyway sorry for delayed release Some circumstances outside my control prevented me from writing and posting earlier)

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