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Your name is Alexis and you are 16 years old.

"I wonder if I can..." you are suddenly interrupted by your mom saying "pack all of your boxes and hurry!" You look at her, confused and shocked, and you know something bad has happened. You run upstairs and pack essentials like clothes, hygiene products, and some things you are emotionally attached to.
"Whats going on Mom?" you call out through your open door. She tells you that your father is out of jail. You can't hold the tears you had been fighting back. The tears fall down your cheeks, leaving streaks down your face and then you pack everything else you might need. After you and your mom have what you need, you pile into the car and she starts driving. Neither of you know where you're headed, just desperate to leave. "How is he out so early?" you ask with fear in your voice."I dont know honey." Her concern is evident. Her frown lines are always more prominent when she's thinking.
At some point, you arrive at an apartment building.  Your mom talks to a man for a while before he nods and walks away. She motions for you to get out of the car so you open the door and pop your head out. "Come on. Get your things." Is all she says before starting to grab boxes. You immediately get out and start helping her. She holds up a key that the man had evidently given her and leads you to your newly rented apartment. Your mom leaves to go get more boxes and told you to stay behind since you both didn't bring much.
You dropped something heavy in a box on accident after she left and an old woman comes from next door. She begins yelling but her voice trails off when she sees you. "Paul you better not have..." she pauses and blinks in confusion. Her eyes soften and she immediately says, "I am so sorry... how rude of me to yell at my new neighbor! I'm Mrs. Wolfhard!" She shakes your hand and smiles, eyes creasing with age lines. You feel a bit confused but you put on a smile and shake her hand. "I'm Alexis" it comes out a bit awkwardly, but it's just your neighbor so a bit of awkwardness shouldn't be a problem. "Finn, come here and meet the neighbors!" she yells loudly. A tall boy about your age with black curly hair walks over, not looking very happy to be there. It couldn't be.... could it?

A Retelling of a Finn Wolfhard Tale, Long Forgotten Where stories live. Discover now