The First Day of School

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The teacher sees me and smiles. "You must be Alexis! I'm Mr. Hale, your algebra teacher. Miss Valencia called and said you'd be coming," he says in a cheery voice. "Will you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Oh. I hadn't prepared myself for any icebreakers. "I like horror movies, swimming, and my favorite subject is science," I say, nearly tripping over my words. "It's lovely to have you! This is a pretty full class so you can go ahead and sit next to Finn. Finn, raise your hand please?" Mr. Hale says, looking at him.
Finn just looks at me with blank eyes. I slowly sit next to him, feeling the awkwardness. "Guess you're stuck with me," I say with a slight laugh, trying to ease the tension. "I guess so." He responds then looks back down at his papers. Mr. Hale gives me the papers for today and Finn slowly slides his paper to me so I can copy his notes. I thank him, feeling relieved even though it's a small gesture. The rest of class goes pretty quick as we're just taking notes from the board and listening to Mr. Hale lecturing. The bell rings and my next class is History.
I don't know anybody in the class and the teacher looks busy right now. Luckily, this class is a small one and there are quite a few open desks so I choose one near the back. The class goes by smoothly, and my teacher doesn't make me introduce myself. The bell rings again and it's lunch time.
The worst part of going to a new school is not having anybody to sit with you or help you. I follow a trail of kids, presumably to the cafeteria, and look around awkwardly. There are no empty tables and picking a seat is a big choice. This could affect what group I'm in and what label gets pushed on me for the whole year. I see Finn whisper to a red headed girl and she looks at me. My cheeks feel hot. He must have told her about how I'm basically stalking him, a thought I wouldn't be able to blame him for, considering what's happened since yesterday. She waves me over with a bright smile. I walk up to her and she eagerly introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Sadie! You can sit next to me!" she grins. It's slightly comforting to have someone being nice to me, although Finn doesn't seem happy. He doesn't even look at me, just picking at his food. This is going to be awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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