A friend for a fall

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"Not too much to go off, but if Cyn wants these labs, we burn them down. That keybug's our way in." She walks towards the edge of the scaffolding "J, mind my ship." Tessa tosses J the keys. J glances at N and V with uncertainty. "...Of course, boss...." J muttered before flying off. Soon, steps were heard "GET BACK!" V yelled. Before them was a type of drone they never seen before, a Biohazard drone. She gave them a smile "Hello! I'm Ko!"  The other two did not react. "You're new." Uzi said with a slight annoyance, V stepped forward as well. V shot a glare while Ko looked at her. They stared at each other until V broke eye contact. "We'll keep her with us! She seems useful" V said slightly commanding. N, Uzi and Tessa nodded. Ko smiled and waved. Ko hopped down to the underground. Tessa, Uzi, V and N followed Suite.  Ko pointed to the right. The others walked away. Ko smirked to herself, before promptly taking out a laptop and making Sentinels attack everything they see. Ko quickly typed in code. She was able to hack into the Sentinel's base systems all right under there noses "Stupid lunatics! They never suspected a thing!" Ko said with a grin, a gap was in between her teeth. She continued typing in code, eventually she hacked into their network completely and made them extremely aggressive. Ko stood and stretched a bit. Ko looked around. "Now...let's see where this leads us." Ko smiled to herself once again and began walking off into unknown territory.  After a few moments, Ko stopped dead and turned around "I think we found our target~" She whispered quietly.  A small spider baby was walking around. Ko tackled it and tore it apart. A Worker Drone with a tail with a knife at the end was shocked, Ko made quick work out of her as well.   Then Ko went to pick up the little spider baby's legs before they became damaged. Ko then walked off towards the center of the compound. A large group of sentinels came over and attempted to stop Ko but ended up getting killed and falling over. Ko walked calmly through them. They never expected a thing~

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