your fault

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Ko heard crashing and followed the noise. She saw V trying to fight the Sentinels off. She wasn't strong enough. Ko ran up and jumped onto the Sentinel's shoulders. Ko grabbed V's head and smashed it. She then bit the Sentinel on its head before dropping to the ground and pulling out her claws then running them through her neck. Ko picked V up and put her against the wall. V looked up and glared with anger. V began struggling. "Get your hands off me, you disgusting creature" V growled. Ko didn't listen, instead she kept cutting her until she fell unconscious, dying on the floor. Ko then threw V aside and ran back into the fray. Ko cut her way through, killing every Sentinel in sight before stopping suddenly. Ko looked around, confused. She glanced down and realized V had stabbed her leg. It was bleeding profusely. A sudden feeling of dizziness overcame Ko, she fell to the ground, clutching her chest as oil slowly started flowing out of her wound and staining the ground. Ko's body began trembling violently, she felt like she was going to pass out any minute. She began clawing at herself. Suddenly she felt an intense wave of relief wash over her. Her head throbbing. Ko growled and sat down, clutching her injured leg. Her eyes glazed over with pain as she closed them. Then, the sensation disappeared and her breathing returned to normal. Once more, her eyes opened, her vision was blurry, and her breathing had become ragged and harsh. Ko laid her head on the ground and closed her eyes. "I'm ok... I'm ok..." Ko mumbled repeatedly. "Just give me a moment..." Eventually, Ko felt better. Ko tried to stand up but fell down and groaned. When she got back up, she saw N sobbing "N, can I tell you something?" He stopped crying and wiped his tears "Of course! Just say the word!" N said, his voice breaking. Ko took him away from Uzi and Tessa, and smirked "N you know it's your fault." "....What...?" He asked quietly. He sniffled "It's your fault that V was killed!" Ko manipulated him again. "You killed V" She repeated. "NO I DIDN'T KILL HER!" He shouted in response. She pushed him hard "You needed to convince her to go in the elevator! It's your fault" N flinched, He shook his head. "It is yours. You killed V! You knew the Sentinels were going to attack, so why did you let V go?" N froze, Tears streamed down his cheeks "I-" " what? Why did you just give in?" She grinned "Because she told me we were going to get out! If I hadn't trusted her, we wouldn't have been able to escape and we'd probably have been dead!" "you're in denial"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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