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There was a gentle cool breeze touching their soft warm lips. Their breaths became heavier with each breath. Luffy grabbed Zoro's shaking hands and looked at him with a gentle expression. Zoro on the other hand was painted with a red tint and felt as if he was melting, but as soon as Luffy grabbed his hands Zoro stopped shaking. All Luffy wanted was for Zoro to calm down. He didn't want to see Zoro worry. Zoro calmed down and stopped shaking for a bit and finally faced his captain.

"Luffy...I..." Zoro tried to speak to Luffy, but his body physically couldn't let him speak any further.

"Luffy.. I.. don't.. Er...What I did...I..." He didn't want to disappoint his captain. He still didn't have the guts to speak ever to his captain again and he wished to disappear.

"I'm sorry Luffy..." Zoro looked down at his hands that were being caressed by Luffy and it reminded him of what Luffy said, but things couldn't possibly go back to the way things were.

"Zoro...I..." Luffy was about to tell Zoro that he didn't mind the kiss, but Zoro interrupted him.

"Look Luffy, just pretend this never happened okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry Luffy. I should have never done that. I'll continue being your swordsman, but I'm afraid I can't be your friend anymore. I'm sorry Luffy." Zoro rapidly said and let go of Luffy's hand and left before Luffy could say another word.

Luffy didn't want to let go of his hand. He didn't want Zoro to leave. He didn't want things to end like this. He felt like a bad captain and an even worse friend for making Zoro feel this way. He wished he had Zoro's warm hands against his, but Luffy just sat down and watched as the sun slowly rose and let the cold breeze punish him.

In the morning Luffy was still struck by what happened the night before. He could still feel the kiss coming from Zoro. He thought about all night barely getting any sleep and for that reason, he didn't go with the others for breakfast. Luffy's heart beat faster every time he thought of the kids again.

What is this feeling?

My heart hurts.

On the other hand Zoro was heart-broken. Even though he got the chance to kiss Luffy for the first time, it didn't feel right. He didn't want to do it like that and what made it worse is that he felt like Luffy might have felt something towards Zoro as well.

Did he like it?

Why didn't he push me away when I kissed him?

Why did he look at me like that?

Was he acting clueless?

Does he know I like him?....does he like me back?

Zoro was up all night in deep thought being reminded about the kiss. They both didn't go to breakfast. They were too embarrassed to look at each other again.

In the kitchen everyone was completely stunned by the absence of the biggest eater in the world that missed out on food. For the first time the crew felt worried for Luffy.

"Where is Luffy?" Chopper asked everyone at the table.

"Hmm. Weird he isn't here" replied Sanji while he was handing out everyone their breakfast.

"Is he sick?" Ussopp asked.

"It's probable the captain has a severe deadly disease" Robin mentioned to everyone.

"AAAH LUFFY IS DYING?" Chopper screamed almost fainting to the ground.

"Luffy isn't dying, Chopper. Calm down. He's probably... he's..."

"Luffy is sick?" Franky asked as he entered the kitchen.

"I'll go check on him!!" Chopper grabbed his things and headed to Luffy.

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