Chapter five : first day in university

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" okay then" Jannah bended down and tied the little boy's shoes. She then took the boy back to his uncle

"You really should watch him and keep a close eye on your nephew. Little kids now days are being kidnapped" the boy's uncle just looked at Jannah , took the boy and walked the opposite direction.

"This is why i hate talking first to people. I just hate it when they ignore me" she then stormed angrily back to her apartment.

It was 8:00pm by the time she got back to her apartment.

Jannah went direct to her kitchen and opened the fridge. "What should i eat for dinner ?" She found leftovers from lunch, heated it up and ate it while watching her favorite k drama on Netflix. " what! Don't punch him in the face!" Said Jannah with food in her mouth

" wait! Don't I have school tomorrow" oh my god! I haven't even prepare myself. What am i gonna wear ? Should i carry my note book?" She continuously asked herself dozens of questions. 

She calmed herself down and checked how many classes she would have that day. " two, that's not that bad. The first class will start from 8:00am to 10:00am, 45 minutes break then I'll go for another class. Two hours each. I hope it's not boring" 

Jannah decided to go upstairs to prepare her outfit for the next day ,charged her phone then took few books and went back downstairs to her living room to study. She studied for two hours set an alarm and went to bed.

⏰⏰ her alarm went off.

She woke up made her bed , went to her bathroom took a quick bath and wore light brown dress with short sleeves , a white bodysuit beneath it finishing with brown hijab and white snickers. She then went to take breakfast , ordered an uber which took her to the university which she always dreamed of.

"How much ? That'll be 5$  thanks"

Jannah looked at the tall building written Seoul National university. " I can't believe I'm gonna be studying about surgery here. Wait what is the time right now? Ohh its 7:45a.m i should go to my class or I'll be late"

The moment she entered in the building a girl  having  short hair with bangs came straight at her and bumped into her.  

" ohh no I'm sorry. Did i hurt you anywhere" Asked the girl while still laying down she then instantly got up and extended her arm to Jannah. Jannah looked at the girl and said " no I'm not hurt" she then accepted the girl's hand and got up and picked up her book written Microbiology.

"Wait are you studying microbiology today ?" Asked the girl. Why ? I'm also studying that today. Really yeah.

"I'm kim Ha Joon what's your name"

My name is Jannah Heinz.

"Like the ketchup" what? "I'm just kidding" said ha joon " no it's okay people tell me all the time"

" Wait aren't we supposed to get to class right now" said Jannah when she checked the time she found it was 7:55 a.m

"Kim Ha Joon".

Yeah. " you know were the class is right?" Jannah said while panicking. Ha Joon said yes and at that instant she grabbed Jannah's hand and they started running in the hallway like kids

"Hey kim Ha Joon can you slow down .we're gonna fall or crash into someone"

"No we're gonna be late" said kim Ha Joon while  turning to her left. Suddenly a teacher was coming towards their direction.

NEXT CHAPTER ...............

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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