Chapter Five- Rachel

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"Come here little one" he demands in his low, rough voice.

"You want me, you'll have to come and get me" I say, while running around the other side of the table in the café kitchen, away from him.

"Oh, you'll regret running away from me. Wait until I get my hands on you, you won't be able to sit down for a week, once I've done with you" he growls.

I squeal and run in the opposite direction to him and head up the stairs to my flat. But before I can run to a safe spot, I feel his arms surround me, throw me over his shoulder and stalk towards my bedroom, giving me a sharp slap on my behind.

"I hope you're ready little one" he says while throwing me down on the bed, where I bounce when I land.

"Do your worst Mr Elf" I whisper, while batting my eye lashes with a cheeky grin.

He strips in a second and pounces on me, kissing me on my belly which I've grown to love because of this man.

I jerk awake feeling hot, clammy and with heart beating out of my chest. God, what was that dream all about? Shaking my head to try and clear it, I gaze out of my bedroom window. The snow is falling heavier today and the tree's are frosted with bright white tips. I check the time on my phone, seeing its only 5.30am. I contemplate snuggling up with Nellie and going back to sleep before my alarm rings at 7 but decide against it. I roll out of bed, wrap myself in my fluffy blush pink dressing gown and head to the kitchen to make myself a giant steaming mug of coffee.

While the kettle boils, I let Nellie out but when I open the back door to the café, I'm greeted by a single red rose with little fuchsia surrounding it wrapped in clear film and a big red bow but with no note with who its from. I pick it up off of the floor before my beloved pooch can butcher it and wonder who put it here. Nellie comes barging back through the door shaking the snow off her coat, spraying little droplets of cold water on my legs.

I take myself, Nellie and the beautiful rose upstairs, find a pretty little vase to pop the flower into and place it on my coffee table with a huge goofy grin on my face. I wonder who sent it? Maybe it's Bradley? "HA, no chance Rach. That guy is totally not into you" I say to myself before curling up in the corner of the couch watching the sun rise and the snow fall, while cradling my coffee.

After 2 more coffee's, I decide to get dressed so I can treat Nellie to a early morning walk. I stare at my wardrobe, and my eyes are instantly drawn to the dark green fitted trousers hanging there, I throw them on with a black jumper which has flashing lights on, pull on my trusty chunky boots and find myself faffing with my hair more than usual. Blowing my untamed curls out of my face, I lean down to the coffee table to smell the beautiful aroma coming off the rose, then I put on my trusty knee length black coat and head out the door with a very excited dog on my heel.

We head towards the main square, where I let Nellie into the gated garden, so she can play and I sit on a bench watching her burn off some of her energy. My gaze drifts over to where I made a fool of myself yesterday in front of elf man, I'm sorry, Brad for the first time and feel my cheeks turning pink and it has nothing to do with the cold breeze and snow landing all over me.

I grab a ball of snow when Nellie comes running over. I ask her to ask nicely for it, which she rewards me with a delightful "WOOF!", so I throw the ball and watch her get so confused at the fact its not where it landed. Chuckling to myself I call her back, attach her lead and head for a walk around the main square watching all the lights twinkle while the snow falls and I feel a complete sense of calmness roll over me.

I love Pine Brooke, the people and the sense of community here, it makes everyone feel so welcome. I've lived here all my life and I cant imagine ever leaving, its my home. On our walk back home, we pass where the reindeers are and I see one pop its head out over the door, looking right at me. I give it a little wave and it shakes it head at me as if it was trying to wave back which makes me giggle. As we get to the edge of the square to cross the road a familiar figure walks confidently towards me and I hear the sound of bells clanging as they walk. With what feels like a swarm of butterflies in my tummy, I cross the road and start making my way towards the café and give Brad my best smile and polite nod before carrying on my way.

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