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Birds are lovely, their feathers so bright,
They soar through the sky, a majestic sight;
Their songs are sweet, a melody divine,
They bring joy and beauty, like sips of wine.

Butterflies are beautiful, their colors so grand,
Flitting through the flowers, a delicate band;
Their wings are vibrant, like a painter's brush,
They bring grace and wonder, a gentle hush.

Now, let us turn to bats, misunderstood creatures,
With wings so dark, like midnight features;
They fly in silence, through the pitch black night,
A symbol of fear, a chilling fright.

But let us not judge by their appearance alone,
For bats play a role, that is largely unknown;
Fruit bats pollinate, spreading life's seed,
And insect-eating bats, to pests take the lead.

In the darkness, they navigate with finesse,
Echolocation guiding their journey, no less;
They dart through the air, swift and keen,
Controlling populations, keeping nature clean.

So, let us not be quick to condemn and dread,
For bats are unique, in nature's thread;
They have their purpose, like birds and butterflies,
With their own brand of beauty, hidden in disguise.

Birds are lovely and butterflies are beautiful,
But bats have a cunning, a skill so resourceful;
Nature's creatures, so diverse and vast,
Each with their own role, together they contrast.

Embrace the beauty in all, the lovely and the deadly,
For it is in diversity, our world stays steady;
So, let us marvel at each creature we see,
For in their existence, lies our harmony.



Los pájaros son encantadores, las mariposas son hermosas, pero los murciélagos son mortales.

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